28 items found

Tags: Research facilities

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  • dataset


    Brazilian CS graduate programs ranked using different metrics.
  • dataset


    Distribution of the 83 collaborating companies according to the main type of research interaction each described (from Table S1).
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    N indicates the sample size.
  • publication

    Building the Field of Health Policy and Systems Research: Social Science Matters

    The lack of clarity and shared understanding regarding the scientific foundations of Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) [1] potentially has very negative consequences for...
  • publication

    Responsible governance for mental health research in low resource countries.

    Between 13% and 49% of the world's population develop neuropsychiatric disorders at some point in their life [1]. More and more evidence indicates that mental disorders and...
  • dataset

    Postdoctoral Researchers in the UK: A Snapshot at Factors Affecting Their Res...

    Postdoctoral training is a typical step in the course of an academic career, but very little is known about postdoctoral researchers (PDRs) working in the UK. This study used an...
  • dataset

    All 90 cases classified by country and type of interaction.

    All 90 cases classified by country and type of interaction.