45 items found

Tags: Ecology Inorganic Chemistry Insects

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  • dataset

    Appendix 1

    Appendix 1 includes collection details for aphid samples and GenBank accession numbers
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    data_for dryad

    The attending spreadsheet contains data from all 3 levels of diversity and 2 group sizes. Data were collected by JBS, ETA, JG, MH, and NM. The “diversity” column refers to the...
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    T superba Mated Female - Raw LDI

    T superba Mated Female - Raw LDI
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    critical weight data

    This data was collected in our laboratory using populations of D. melanogaster experimentaly evolved for increased adaptation to chronic larval malnutrition. The data file...
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    Comma-separated values file of data.
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    Data collected in the laboratory, organized for survival analysis. Columns specify population, larval instar, year of the trial, trial code, days since beginning of the trial...
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    Diversity Community & Predation

    Data files for all the analyses in the manuscript
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    Fecundity Data

    Spreadsheet "Fecundity" contains the results of the fecundity assay. The aphids used in this experiment either contained no known secondary symbionts or were artificially...
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    VCF file with filtered SNPs from the C. biguttulus / C. brunneus female comparison
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    D mel CHC B matrix data

    Data used in analyses as described in the manuscript. Fitness data and CHC phenotype data used in selection analyses, and CHC phenotype and line data used to determine full G...
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    Genotypes of E.balteatus and S.scripta samples on 12 microsatellites markers. There are also some information on the place were the individuals are from : locality, longitude...
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    Data file for the 29 wasp samples for which host DNA was retrieved after molecular analysis of the wasps' abdominal contents.
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    Data set with life history data for all individuals included in the main study. The data set includes adult and larval treatment and measured values for choosiness, fecundity,...
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    data from female tethering experiments conducted during H. titia removal experiment (transect=='upper' for experimental transect and 'lower' for control transect;...
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    data from wing-darkening female tethering tests (terrSP=='o' for H. occisa and 't' for H. titia) in the early ('E') and late ('L') seasons (treatment==female treatment)
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    JEB 2014 00161 data

    Data on sperm length, testes size, body size (elytra length), P1 and P2. Abbreviations included in column headings
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    Explanations for datafile "Microsatellite data.xls" This datafile contains microsatellite genotype information of Mastomys natalensis. General comment: "-9" describes a...
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    Data files and R script

    Data collected for larval survival, development and feeding assays, as well as R code used to perform statistical analyses.
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    Structure data file. C. arvensis- and U. dioica-associated populations of H. obsoletus sampled over five consecutive years (2005-2009) at the syntopic site Bacharach, Germany
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    Norway Chironomidae Pupal Exuviae Specimen Data

    Specimen data for Chironomidae pupal exuviae voucher specimens submitted to the NTNU University Museum.