31 items found

Tags: Biological Sciences Clinical research design Research assessment Systematic reviews epidemiology

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    Percentage of articles reported each item, inter-rater agreement on the item ...

    Abbreviations: ISIs, inter-stimulus intervals; ANOVA, analysis of variance. The conditional item which is needed to report when the condition is met.*To identify whether the...
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    Proportions of overweight/obesity as reported by studies used in quantitative...

    Acronyms: M (male); F (female); UW (underweight); NW (normal weight); OW (overweight); OB (obese). Weighted averages: Proportions may not add up to 100% for M, F, and T since...
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    Demographic and Clinical Predictors of Mortality from Highly Pathogenic Avian...

    BackgroundHuman infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A (H5N1) viruses have occurred in 15 countries, with high mortality to date. Determining risk factors...
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    Abbreviations: IRB, institutional review board. The conditional item which is needed to report when the condition is met.*To identify whether the item should be included in...
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    Global DALY proportions and rankings before and after the addition of attribu...

    Note. DALYs: Disability adjusted life years; 95% UI: 95% uncertainty interval; aGlobal ranking of direct burden for each disorder was from the official GBD 2010 disease ranking...
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    PRISMA checklist. (DOC)
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    Outcome measures, interventions, diseases, and effect sizes in included studies.

    * number of animals not reported and not required for analysis.
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    Baseline characteristic of studies included in the systematic review and meta...

    *BC: breast cancer; BMI: body mass index; FFQ: food frequency questionnaire; HRT: hormone replacement therapy; PA: physical activity. ∧The detailes of folate intake dose were...
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    Abbreviation: FWHM, Full Width at Half Maximum.
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    Characteristics of included studies.

    RCT: Randomised controlled trial. GS: Gilead Sciences. R: Roche. GSK: GlaxoSmithKline. NS: not stated. aCopies/mL converted to IU/mL by dividing by 5.bThe limit of detection of...
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    *Refer to Table 1; **Could not obtain full text article.