721 items found

Tags: 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Evolutionary Biology Sociology

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    Field Data

    Life history data for seed from five source populations (AFT - Afton State Park, Afton, MN; GCD - Grey Cloud Dunes Scientific and Natural Area, Cottage Grove, MN; CRA - Conard...
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    The community data files are bat abundance/absence matrices for the family Vespertilionidae and the genus Myotis. Community data for all bat taxa can be found at...
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    Additional file 1: of The active microbial community more accurately reflects...

    Supporting Information. This file contains all the supporting information that is related to the manuscript, including additional results, figure captions and tables. This file...
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    Summary of verb datasets.
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    auxiliary file which is necessary to run the code con_ens.c.
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    Comparative analysis after XOR and substitution phase.
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    This file contains three pages of data related to the physiology of adult narwhals during escape and post-escape dive periods. Page 1 compares heart rate/stroke frequency...
  • dataset

    A Panel Data Set of Cryptocurrency Development Activity on GitHub

    Contents: all-sorted-recovered-normalized-2018-01-21-to-2019-02-04.csv: CSV format of all data, sorted by date. This file contains some imputed values for missing data, and...
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    The frequencies of notes made by a musical instrument are determined by the physical properties of the instrument. Consequently, by measuring the frequency of a note, one can...
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    The Open Access (OA) to knowledge is a principle established by the European Commission, underlying the H2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. OA aims at...
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    Stein et al. 2015 Fig. 1 in newick file format

    Phylogenetic hypothesis resulting from analysis of the molecular data matrix in the newick file format.
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    Drone-Vehicle Routing Problem Instances

    The following instances are originally presented in the (soon to be published) paper A large Neighborhood Search Heuristic for the Drone-Vehicle Routing Problem, written by...
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    Values of Harrell’s concordance index with 95% confidence intervals, in the case Dataset 1 (n = 50) was used as training (T) to develop a model using LASSO. Validation (V)...
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    Additional file 4: of Research topics and trends in medical education by soci...

    Figure S4. SNA of each historical phase4(1997â 2005) of medical education. (TIF 3575 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Effect of lumbar spinal manipulation on local and remot...

    Ipsilateral vs. Contralateral Changes in Pressure Pain Threshold and Pinprick Sensitivity. Description of data: Data tables and figures showing comparisons of change in PPT and...
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    The file includes two sheets.(1) Acoustic feature of calls: Acoustic feature such as call duration and mean dominant frequency of calls emitted by shrews;(2) Number of calls:...
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    Chromosome codes

    Chromosome name and associated numeric code used in .bim files
  • dataset

    MOESM2 of Transcriptomic analysis of monocytes from HIV-positive men on antir...

    Additional file 2: Table S1. Fold-changes for all expressed probes: HIV+ TS+ vs. HIV- TS- limma model A. Table S2. Enriched gene ontology (GO) terms and associated genes: HIV+...
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    PONE-D-16-46185_R2 cumulative data

    Excel File containing sheets titled with the figures and tables of the given manuscript accepted by PLOS ONE