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Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified Evolutionary Biology Sociology Space Science

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    Characteristics of the study population.

    SD = standard deviation; BMI = body mass index; BFP = Body fat percentage measured with bioelectrical impedance [24]; WHR = waist-hip ratio; HGS = handgrip strength, the highest...
  • dataset

    An in-depth survey of the microbial landscape of the walls of a neonatal oper...

    Bacteria found in operating rooms (ORs) might be clinically relevant since they could pose a threat to patients. In addition, C-sections operations are performed in ORs that...
  • dataset

    Additional File 2:

    Table S1. Description of all the covariates used in the study. Table S2. Spearman correlations of all the covariates with four α-diversity metrics. Table S3. Results of...
  • dataset

    List of strains used in this study.

    a: Determined in previous studies [51], [52], [53].b: ade2 ura5; one of the two parental strains used in the laboratory cross.c: ADE2 URA5; one of the two parental strains used...
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    Tree Files

    -Astral_Bootstrap.tre newick formatted 100 bootstrap replicates from the COMPLETE ASTRAL-II species analysis -Gene_Trees_Full.tre newick formatted 498 "best" gene trees from...
  • dataset

    Linguistic variable for importance weight of each criterion.

    Linguistic variable for importance weight of each criterion.
  • dataset

    Characteristics of the study subjects.

    All values except number of subjects, gender and smoking status are expressed as median values with minimum and maximum range in parentheses. Ex-smoker: stopped smoking for at...
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    Clinical characteristics of patients.

    Mean±SD [25., 50. und 75. percentile in case of non-normal distribution] or number (%). ap<0.05;bp<0.01;cp<0.005;dp<0.001 – comparison between survivors and...
  • dataset

    Population characteristics.

    Data are expressed as mean ± standard error or as percentages. Abbreviations: CRP: C-reactive protein, DAS28: disease activity score using 28 joint counts, DMARDs:...
  • dataset

    Sensitivity analysis results.

    RA: regional anesthesia GA: general anesthesia RR: relative risk WMD: weighted mean difference CI: confidence interval IOH: intraoperative hypotension POC: postoperative...
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    Supplementary Table 1

    Commensal rodent species are key reservoirs for Toxoplasma gondii in the domestic environment. In rodents, different T. gondii strains show variable patterns of virulence...
  • dataset

    Additional file 5: of Alu SINE analyses of 3,000-year-old human skeletal rema...

    List of all Alu primers used. The Microsoft Excel file contains all primer sequences that were used in this study. (XLSX 10Â kb)
  • dataset

    Patient Characteristics.

    Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; sAML, secondary AML; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; PMF, primary myelofibrosis; CLL: chronic lymphoblastic leukemia; SAA, severe...
  • dataset

    Simulation parameters.

    MBR = MPW = MCV = 100, MCA = WBA. n ∈ {3, 9, 27}, WBA ∈ [0.1, 2], WPC ∈ [0, 20], WCT = 0.1. ⌈n/2⌉ groups of size 1 and ⌊n/2⌋ of size chosen uniformly at random from [1, ⌊n/2⌋]....
  • dataset

    Bacterial strains and plasmids.

    aProvided by Jon Beckwith.bIn the experiment with HU (Figure 2, Table 2) the LJ52 strain was used. It is referred to as MG1655 for simplicity.cObtained from The Coli Genetic...
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    Supplemental Table 2

    Complete list of proteins identified in adult female Brugia malayi extracellular vesicle (EV) proteome. Proteins extracted from EVs were subject to nano-scale LC-MS/MS. Spectral...
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    Summary of Results.

    Summary of results of follicle number counts, mRNA analyses and oxidative stress measures in ovaries of offspring born to mothers undernourished during pregnancy (UNP), during...
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    This file contains the annotated analysis script. Once the appropriate working directory is set and libraries loaded, this script will reproduce the results reported in the paper.
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    Dependent variables.

    All dependent variables and their within subjects factors for the repeated measures ANOVA. The within subjects factor “Test” had two levels: the pretest and the posttest. The...
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    Baseline characteristics.

    *School-level deprivation uses the decile assigned to each school by the New Zealand Ministry of Education for funding purposes. It reflects the proportion of students who live...