100 items found

Types: software Tags: 111714 Mental Health Genetics

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  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.0.12

    Release Notes A long overdue release. This release integrates the great work of @mgxd to provide results in the CIFTI/grayordinates format for surface-based analyses. It also...
  • software


    voPerson is both a set of recommendations and an ldap attribute schema (object class), intended to provide a common reference point for attribute management within a Virtual...
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.0.4

    Release notes This release fixes minor issues found during Testing Phase 2, and gives a solution to some execution errors derived from Nipype latest changes. CHANGES [FIX] Pin...
  • software

    GNU Astronomy Utilities

    GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) is a collection of programs and libraries for astronomical data analysis. Its main tarballs are hosted on gnu.org, but each version is also...
  • software


    Pre-release for personal and public use (MIT License, Copyright (c) 2020 Divyae Kishore Prasad).
  • software

    Matchtool V1.0.0

    MatchTool is a simple UI for experimenting with the matching functionality of pattern code.   MatchTool can be open from the World Menu > Tools category. The main window...
  • software

    MultiDOE: sampling technics on MATLAB/OCTAVE - v3.2

    MultiDOE This MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox regroups many existing tools for generating sample points using many specific DOE techniques: Full factorial sampling Latin Hypercube...
  • software


    Whitening gravitational-strain data is a common procedure prior to searches for transient events. This program whitens strain data by moving normalization of standard deviation...
  • software

    pBroad and gFit -- Pressure Broadening Global Line Fitting Suite

    Hosted at https://gitlab.com/Eiceman/pbroadgfit Originally these two suites of programs were developed for the paper "Re-evaluation of ortho-para-dependence of...
  • software


    This repository contains the mouse-pergola-reproduce pipeline source code and results produced for the "Pergola: a new paradigm for longitudinal data visualization and analysis"...
  • software

    MARC - Model for Research of Aerosols and Climate

    Model for Research of Aerosols and Climate This critical release fixes a major error in the ice nucleation routine, which only allowed it to be called when the temperature was...
  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.0.0

    Release notes FMRIPREP 1.0.0, codename "BOLD raccoon", is the first official release of FMRIPREP. FMRIPREP "BOLD" is the outcome of a thorough testing process to assess that...
  • software

    Do the Dependency Conflicts in My Project Matter?

    The paper focuses on dependency conflicts – conflicts that occur when multiple versions of the same library or the same class exist in a class path of a Java project. The...
  • software


    Volcano-seismic recognition - VSR software supporting the VULCAN.ears EU-funded project via H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 Grant This framework has been developed using Python.3 scientific...
  • software

    Software for paper: Two is better than one: Studying host plant/fungal compat...

    These files represent software I developed as part of the publication: Two is better than one: Studying host plant/fungal compatibility by using a hybrid pathogen. One file is...
  • software

    Predicting the global mammalian viral sharing network using phylogeography

    Data and code to replicate the findings of Albery et al., 2020
  • software

    demandlib (oemof) - creating heat and power demand profiles from annual value...

    Update requirements after testing the actual version of numpy and pandas. See the oemof website or the oemof developer group at github for more modeling libraries.  
  • software


    [ENH] Add inverse normalization transform (MNI -> T1w) to derivatives (#754) [ENH] Fall back to initial registration if BBR fails (#694) [FIX] Header and affine transform...
  • software

    University Of Illinois/Oklahoma Optical Array Probe (Oap) Processing Software

    This software package, developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Oklahoma, allows processing of optical array probe (OAP)...
  • software

    AdamEAhmed/PCR-Analyze: R PCR Script

    An R script repository accompanying the abstract 'A Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis Solution in R'