179 items found

Types: software Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases Sociology

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  • software


    This is the supplementary code and data for reproducing results as they are presented in Figure 2 of ESD paper by M.Y. Verbitsky and M. Crucifix "Π-theorem generalization of the...
  • software

    YCM 0.1.1

    YCM 0.1.1 (2015-08-28) Release Notes Changes made since YCM 0.1.0 include the following. Build System If available, use the new MESSAGE_NEVER argument for the file(INSTALL)...
  • software


    This data visualization project explores flight Issues and popular airlines. Flight Issues: Delay and Safety and Popular Airlines: Revenue and Passenger counts are visualized...
  • software


    Release Notes Bugfixes, an additional iteration over Sentry reporting and some relevant ME-EPI updates (with thanks to @emdupre). CHANGES [ENH] Update ME-EPI workflow to...
  • software

    nfrerebeau/khroma v1.1.0

    ADD: FAO Soil Reference Groups colour scheme ADD: scale_*_bright() method for Paul Tol's bright colour scheme ADD: scale_*_vibrant() method for Paul Tol's vibrant...
  • software

    Inovesa/Inovesa: 2016-11

    This feature level is described in the first paper (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.05293). It supports everything needed to do simulations of longitudinal phase space. Change...
  • software


    This is the first release of CRes and contains: source code and documentation for CRes high-resolution .pdf files for figures from Watson et al. (2019) JVGR article script...
  • software

    Codebase for reproducing FOCS and figures

    FOCS is a novel method for inferring enhancer-promoter interactions from a single omic dataset. For further information, please refer to our...
  • software

    Scalable Cache-Based Address Resolution Protocol Handling in Software-Defined...

    This upload contains an implementation for the paper “Scalable Cache-Based Address Resolution Protocol Handling in Software-Defined Networks”. It consists of a...
  • software

    neurostuff/NiMARE: Initial release

    Release Notes This is NiMARE's initial release. NiMARE is still alpha software, so the package may change dramatically from release to release and there may be bugs in the code....
  • software

    Picongpu 0.1.2: Bug Fixes

    This is version 0.1.2 of PIConGPU, a pre-beta version and pure bug fix release. It contains selected backports of critical issues in PIConGPU. Two major bugs that have been...
  • software

    openPMD 1.1.0: Base paths for mesh- and particle-only files and updated attri...

    This release defines how to handle files that only contain mesh or particle records gracefully. New attributes have been defined to document software dependencies and utilized...
  • software

    gitter-lab/SINGE: Version 0.2.0

    Version 0.3.0 contains optimizations that greatly increase SINGE's speed but can change its output: Switch to single precision for the kernel matrix Set an upper bound...
  • software

    Forecast Search Wizard

    The Forecast Search Wizard makes it easier than ever before to analyze archived NOAA text products to obtain valuable information. Thanks to the hard working individuals at the...
  • software

    Poldracklab/Fmriprep: 1.0.12

    Release Notes A long overdue release. This release integrates the great work of @mgxd to provide results in the CIFTI/grayordinates format for surface-based analyses. It also...
  • software

    MorphoLibJ: MorphoLibJ 1.3.0

    MorphoLibJ libraray v1.3.0. New features: Interactive tool for watershed distance transform (2D/3D) Interactive tool for morphological reconstruction using manual markers...
  • software


    What's Changed Migrations catchup (#651) @adelavega Have report tooltip follow same display rules as rest of anlysis buil… (#647) @rwblair Bump werkzeug from 0.12.1 to 0.15.3...
  • software

    Data And Code Supplementing The Paper "Using Ancestral State Reconstruction M...

    This repository offers the data and the source code which were used for the paper "Using Ancestral State Reconstruction Methods for Onomasiological Reconstruction in...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.8

    Behavior changes: No longer default to overwriting trace directories. ReproZip will ask what to do or exit with an error if one of --continue/--overwrite is not provided...
  • software


    magicCalling v0.0.2 magicCalling is an R package for converting raw marker data into marker alleles. It implements two novel methods.  The first is a model-based clustering...