42 items found

Types: dataset Tags: ACM.GeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUS Ecology Marine Biology Science Policy

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  • dataset


    Dataset frames of flashlight fish collected using Hamamatsu camera. Paper title: Bioluminescent Flashes Drive Nighttime Schooling Behavior and Synchronized Swimming Dynamics...
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    Text file containing data on pedigree relationships among individual birds used for calculating heritability using animal models (see File 4 animal model R script). This file is...
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    Rat A991 on novel hexagonal track

    Matlab file with multi-unit, lfp and animal position. 35 min exploration of novel hexagonal track: session 1. From Pastalkova lab at Janelia Research Campus, data collected by...
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    Security Bug Conversations

    This dataset will be released as part of the following publication. Benjamin S. Meyers, Nuthan Munaiah, Andrew Meneely, and Emily Prud'hommeaux. Pragmatic...
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    MOESM3 of BioVeL: a virtual laboratory for data analysis and modelling in bio...

    Additional file 3: Table S2. Workflows for biodiversity science.
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    Data_Roche et al 2013 BEAS

    Date, time and legend are included in the data file. Additional information on data collection is contained in the associated publication.
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    Share of award winner creators by core, broker, and gatekeeper positions.

    Share of award winner creators by core, broker, and gatekeeper positions.
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    shp - verde_puregion_habitats

    Shapefile describing the area of habitats present within each planning unit. This file was used in the data analysis for the models described in the paper. This area of habitat...
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    Soil pit moisture data

    Soil pits with location and moisture content. This file has the location data for temperature data loggers listed in the file Soil Temperature data file.
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    Json file with a list of portcalls from vessels arriving to Valencia ports. Data was used inside the INTER-IoT project as an example dataset that a legacy IoT platform was...
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    Marine Citizen Science: Towards an Engaged and Ocean Literate Society

    Marine Citizen Science is an area which is rapidly gaining interest, and it’s easy to see why. Citizen Science is where scientists and the general public collaborate to...
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    BEAST replicate run 2 files including xml file, log file, and trees.
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    Data processing script and terms

    Script and files that were used to filter out trace, oo- and marine taxa from the original PBDB download.
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    Data for manuscript RSPB-2015-2988.R1

    This file contains all of the raw data presented in the manuscript 'Finding the Gap: A brightness-based strategy for guidance in cluttered environments'.
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    Flycatcher metabolised corticosterone

    The data was collected from a nest-box breeding bird population. The data file was created in Excel 2013. Please refer to the README file for further information regarding the...
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    Responses to audio playback of predator vs non-predator

    Please see README file for variable descriptions.
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    CICE tx1 Grid Data - 2020.03.20

    This file contains the tx1 grid files for CICE.  The latest information about CICE forcing data and files can be found at the GitHub Resource...
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    Please see README file for descriptions of all included files.
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    Please see README file for descriptions of all included files.
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    Recaptures data of newborns at the end of the experiment. A list of all surviving newborns with their id, capture date, morphology and mass at capture.