17 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Tags: Europa

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  • publication

    Internationally comparative research in Europe: the underutilized resource

    Die Verfasser unterstreichen die besondere Bedeutung international vergleichender Forschung für den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisprozeß. In diesem Zusammenhang wird vor allem...
  • publication

    Spaces and Institutional Logics in Post-Conflict Settings of Mitrovica

    This publication is funded under the EU-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/693337/EU/Good intentions, mixed results – A conflict sensitive unpacking of the EU comprehensive approach...
  • publication

    Symbolic universes between present and future of Europe:First results of the ...

    International audience; This paper reports the framework, method and main findings of an analysis of cultural milieus in 4 European countries (Estonia, Greece, Italy, and UK)....
  • publication

    The coupling of spin-offs and research institutions in the triangle of policy...

    "Academic spin-offs have received increasing attention in discussions about science and innovation policy and in research. Most of the attention has been focused on determining...
  • publication

    Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs in Europa

    Der Autor beschreibt zunächst die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen und Erwartungen zur Nachwuchsförderung an den europäischen Hochschulen: Es geht dabei "um die Bedingungen der...
  • publication

    Industrial and innovation policy as drivers of change

    The Europe’s 2020 Strategy clearly outlines the ambition for EU member states to pursue a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth: this means designing a the strategy that aims...
  • publication

    Offshoring, domestic outsourcing and productivity: evidence for a number of E...

    The growth in offshoring and its economic effects have been subject to extensive empirical analysis. Yet, many studies have not distinguished accurately between offshoring,...
  • publication

    Religion and the public ethics of stem-cell research: attitudes in Europe, Ca...

    We examine international public opinion towards stem-cell research during the period when the issue was at its most contentious. We draw upon representative sample surveys in...
  • publication

    Von Kyoto nach Kopenhagen - dem wichtigsten Meilenstein für den globalen Klim...

    Die Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen im Dezember 2009 ist richtungweisend. Die G8-Länder haben sich grundsätzlich darauf verständigt, das Zwei- Grad-Ziel anzuerkennen. Viele Staaten...
  • publication

    Einige europapolitische Überlegungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Dateninfrastru...

    "Ziel der Expertise ist es, Wege aufzeigen, wie den Anliegen der wissenschaftlichen Nutzern von Wirtschafts- und Sozialdaten auf europäischer Ebene besser Rechnung getragen...
  • publication

    Elitų Europa: tapatybių ir interesų kaleidoskopas

    Didėjant Europos integracijai kartu keiciasi ir Europos Sąjungos (toliau – ES) projekto prigimtis. Siandien beveik tris desimtis narių turinti ES nebėra tokia, kokia buvo 1957...
  • publication

    New Species in the Old World: Europe as a Frontier in Biodiversity Exploratio...

    The number of described species on the planet is about 1.9 million, with ca. 17,000 new species described annually, mostly from the tropics. However, taxonomy is usually...
  • publication

    EU-supported reforms in the EU neighbourhood as organized anarchies: the case...

    This publication is funded under the EU-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/693337/EU/Good intentions, mixed results – A conflict sensitive unpacking of the EU comprehensive approach...
  • publication

    Does the Context Matter? Labour Market Characteristics and Job Satisfaction A...

    The main goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between job satisfaction and temporary work among youth in the EU, while considering the role...
  • publication

    Sozial-, Verhaltens- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Roadmap-Prozessen

    Der Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD) hat sich mit der Frage auseinandergesetzt, warum aus den Sozial-, Verhaltens- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (SVW) kein Vorhaben...
  • dataset

    precipitación diaria de los años 2000-2010 para 86 estaciones meteorológicas ...

    Precipitación diaria (2000-2010) en 86 estaciones europeas