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Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Types: other Tags: Economics

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    Insect pollinators: linking research and policy. Workshop report.

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Pollinators interact with plants to underpin wider biodiversity, ecosystem function, ecosystem services to agricultural crops and ultimately human nutrition....
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    Knowledge networks and innovation policy

    The competitiveness in global competition is increasingly more dependent on the ability to create unique products and services. This is achieved through innovation. Innovation...
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    The need for indigenous aggregates production in England

    This report is one of two outputs from a project entitled 'The need for non-energy indigenous mineral production in England' which received funding from the Sustainable Land-Won...
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    Regionale Innovations- und Qualifizierungsstrategien in der Medizintechnik: E...

    'Innovations- und Qualifizierungsstrategien sind zum entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor der stark exportorientierten Medizintechnikbranche in Deutschland geworden, um auf globalen...
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    Domains and determinants of retirement timing: A systematic review of longitu...

    Abstract Background To date, determinants of retirement timing have been studied separately within various disciplines, such as occupational health and economics. This narrative...
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    Beyond "Absorption": the Impact of EU Structural Funds on Greece

    Since 1981, Greece has been a major recipient of EU funds. Brussels has commissioned a large number of studies to assess the impact of these funds on the Greek economy and...
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    Jahrbuch Sozialwissenschaftliche Technikberichterstattung 1995: Schwerpunkt: ...

    Das Institut für Sozialforschung (IfS), Frankfurt am Main, das Internationale Institut für empirische Sozialökonomie (INIFES), Stadtbergen, das Institut für...
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    The need for indigenous fluorspar production in England

    This report is one of two outputs from a project entitled 'The need for non-energy indigenous mineral production in England' which received funding from the Sustainable Land-Won...