305 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Tags: 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Hematology Physiology

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    Potential biomarker proteins, with opposite signal in Low-HF ∩ Low-MD and Low-HF ∩ High-MD MoAs.
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    Study dataset.

    Compliance with NPG checklist items: data dictionary available in project space. In version 2, 7 errors from the previous version at database lock (publication date for PMID...
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    Table 2 - source data 1

    This zip archive contains the chromatography data that was used to calculate the values displayed in Table 2. “WT_USI_raw_data.xlsx” contains the data for the wild-type upper...
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    Krug & Patzkowsky 2015 Stages and Families copy

    Data for data binned into stages temporally. Analysis is for extinction and origination of genera within families. M-tax files designate genera within the same family in each...
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    We measured larval mortality for S. droebachiensis at 3 different temperatures (3, 10 and 21 °C) reared in 4-l culture jars (n = 3). Temperatures in the jars were maintained...
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    Reprocessed / Rebinned To 0.5 Degree Images: Beta-Lactamase X-Ray Diffraction...

    Derived from https://zenodo.org/record/841060; made more compact (though no longer "raw" data) for use in tutorials
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    Supplemental Data 1

    Phylogenetic dataset (TNT) used in the study. The TNT file can be converted to .nex from the ‘export (nexus format)’ function in TNT, or alternatively can be opened by ‘open...
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    Identidad digital científica

    Seminario sobre la creación y mantenimiento de la Identidad Digital Científica impartido en las Jornadas CINAIC 2018 – EcoAprendemos, celebradas en el CICEI (Centro de...
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    Index_G part 1 Raw RAD reads. Codes in spreadsheet.
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    Partial raw fastq data file (Part 2 of 3). Concatenate with Parts 1 and 3 prior to analysis.
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    Outbreak definition by change point analysis: a tool for public health decision?

    Abstract Background Most studies of epidemic detection focus on their start and rarely on the whole signal or the end of the epidemic. In some cases, it may be necessary to...
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    Baseline features of included SAH patients with multimodality monitoring comp...

    Baseline features of included SAH patients with multimodality monitoring compared to SAH patients without.
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    Direct-to-Implant Extracellular Matrix Hammock-based Breast Reconstruction; P...

    Abstract Background Skin-sparing mastectomy followed by immediate implant-based breast reconstruction is a commonly used treatment for breast cancer. However, when placing the...
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    Pro-atrial natriuretic peptide.data.04.02.2016

    SPSS data file now in English without personally identifiable human subject information including 268 variables describing pre- intra- and postoperative course and plasma...
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    Construction of an M<sub>3</sub>L<sub>2</sub>A<sub>6</sub> Cage with Small Wi...

    An M3L2A6 cage has been prepared with small windows from a tripodal ligand, L, and Cu­(hfac)2. Cold spray ionization mass spectrometry of a mixture of L and Cu­(hfac)2 revealed...
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    Neutral regions

    Neutral regions (canfam3.1; bed file format)
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    Primer sequences used for real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis.
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    Fig.1 The He number density for equilibrium He bubble at 300K. The green and red dots correspond to the unsaturated and saturated state, respectively. Fig.2 The pressure of...
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    Partial raw fastq data file (Part 1 of 3). Concatenate with Parts 2 and 3 prior to analysis.
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    Research Data Supporting "Fractal-Like Hierarchical Organisation Of Bone Begi...

    Raw research data supporting: N. Reznikov et al., Science 360, eaao2189 (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aao2189 Raw research data supporting: N. Reznikov et al., Science 360,...