161 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Inorganic Chemistry Marine Biology Molecular Biology

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  • dataset

    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    Auditory Nerve data file 2 (file 2 out of 2)

    This Matlab MAT file contains single unit electrophysiological data recorded from mouse auditory nerve fibers from a sample of 8 animals.
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    A Dataset For Temporal Analysis Of Files Related To The Jfk Case

    This dataset contains the content of the subset of all files with a correct publication date from the 2017 release of files related to the JFK case (retrieved from...
  • dataset


    *Beast XML input file for species delimitation analysis (hypothesis 1). This file includes data from both markers (COI and H3) and individuals sorted into four species (Sicarius...
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    Readme file accompanying data files

    See Readme file and file list
  • dataset

    Additional file 13 of Identification of positive selection in genes is greatl...

    The data and code for running the analysis for NP. This is a 7-Zip file containing an iPython notebook and the relevant data files. (7Z 2910 kb)
  • dataset

    Annotation File for the Annotated Reference Transcriptome of the Eastern Oyster

    The Excel file provides the annotation information, including original source transcriptome, for each contig in the reference transcriptome. The ReadMe files describes the...
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    Additional file 4 of Transcriptome sequencing and whole genome expression pro...

    Additional file 4. KEGG different pathways including unigenes belonging for different pathways.
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    A zip file containing two data files plus a third text file containing descriptions of the data files. See file "File annotations.txt" included int the archive for more...
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    R script to create 'barcodes' file for de-multiplexing

    NOTE: This file is part of the original version of this data package. It is superfluous to the new version.
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    A Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Of The (6,5) Type

    The files show a rotating single walled carbon nanotube as a continuos gif file. The Pictures also show a commonly used Polymer (PFO-Bpy) as it adsorbes on the carbon nanotube...
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    The Nexus format file for the Bayesian inference analysis
  • dataset

    Genotype data

    The TalentiEtAl_2017.ped file contains the unphased genotype data for all the 929 animals described in the paper: "Genomic analysis suggests KITLG is responsible for a roan...
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    Sumario de la asignatura Gobierno de Tecnologías de la Información

    Sumario de la asignatura Gobierno de Tecnologías de la Información Gobierno de Tecnologías de la Información Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Informática Universidad de...
  • dataset

    Data from: Undergraduate research experiences broaden diversity in the scient...

    New data highlight the importance of undergraduate research experiences (UREs) for keeping underrepresented science students on the pathway to a scientific career. We used a...
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    Combined three-dimensional Milky Way extinction map (2019)

    This file contains an updated version of the combined Milky-Way extinction map from Bovy, Rix, Green et al. (2015) (see the Appendix) in HDF5 format. The component of the...
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    List of all GenBank Accessions pulled from GBIF occurrence records.
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    Clase de Cátedra de Organismos Internacionales de la Carrera de Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad...
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    LAMARC Atlantic sample file
  • dataset

    Symbiodinium typing

    This file contains the Symbiodinium data for a subset of Montastraea cavernosa samples selected haphazardly to assess the diversity of symbiont populations and potential...