26 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Tags: Biochemistry Marine Biology Pharmacology Sociology Types: software

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  • software


    Overview The swift project management site is now live and ready for use at https://swift-pm.herokuapp.com/. New Features Conda Support Admin Access for GCRF African SWIFT...
  • software

    Replication files for "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah? The Long-Run Consequence...

    This document presents data and programs used to produce empirical evidence presented in the article and in the Online Appendix. Codes for this paper were run using Stata. The...
  • software

    Shogun: Shogun 4.1.0 - Tajinohi No Agatamori

    This is a new feature and cleanup release. Features: Added GEMPLP for approximate inference to the structured output framework [Jiaolong Xu]. Effeciency improvements of the...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.5

    (reprounzip-vagrant didn't change) Bugfixes: Correctly download parameters from server More reliable way of determining X server IP without using /bin/ip Downloads:...
  • software


    ========================== SciPy 0.18.1 Release Notes SciPy 0.18.1 is a bug-fix release with no new features compared to 0.18.0. Authors @kleskjr Evgeni Burovski CJ Carey...
  • software


    Changes: new tools: index poly wshfl zexp index: generate indices poly: generate polynomial patterns (Siddharth Iyer) wshfl: wave-shuffling (Siddharth Iyer) zexp: replace...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.8

    Behavior changes: No longer default to overwriting trace directories. ReproZip will ask what to do or exit with an error if one of --continue/--overwrite is not provided...
  • software


    This release improves wordings, common questions and example snippets. Keywords and logic are unchanged and backwards compatible for revision releases. Changes to "1.0.0" Base...
  • software


    Release Notes This release incorporates Nipype improvements that should reduce the chance of hanging if tasks are killed for excessive resource consumption. Thanks to Elizabeth...
  • software


    Changes: new tools: moba, looklocker, tgv, extract, fftrot moba: non-linear model-based recon for T1 mapping (Xiaoqing Wang) looklocker: post-processing for moba extract:...
  • software

    Psoas (Plastic Surgeries Outcome Assessment Software)

    Plastic Surgeries Outcome Assessment Software This is an automatic questionnaire system that developed for a breast surgery research (but it can be used for any other plastic...
  • software


    Lots of things have changed since the last release: Python 3 support Improvements for Aerotech and LTS300 delays Better abstraction of hardwares Support for constants in...
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.0.0-rc4

    [ENH] Collapse ITK transforms of head-motion correction in only one file (#695) [FIX] Raise error when run.py is called directly (#692) [FIX] Parse crash files when they are...
  • software

    Artifact (Software + Dataset) For "Phys: Probabilistic Physical Unit Assignme...

    https://unl-nimbus-lab.github.io/phys phys is a tool to detect physical unit inconsistencies in C++ that builds against the Robot Operating System. phys is a...
  • software


    Release note MuhRec3 3.14 - December 2017 In the current release we focussed on stability and the open source release including making automated build scripts. New features:...
  • software

    Axonal fiber quantification in fluorescence images

    A set of Fiji macros for axonal fiber quantification in fluorescence images. These macros were developed for the study: Fasting Induces Remodeling Of The Orexigenic...
  • software

    Swiss-Polar-Institute/science-data-utils v0.3.0

    New features for this release: util to convert raw input inertial navigation data to csv format changed use of ISO 8601 format in util that gets positions from a date time
  • software

    Edamontology/Edamontology: Edam 1.20

    See the improved changelog-detailed.md for a detailed list of semantic changes in the EDAM ontology. Summary of changes 20 formats added (listed in...
  • software

    CryptoMañana Framework, v0.8.0 released

    CryptoManana version 1.0.0 (stable): Added cryptographic protocols for key exchange (Diffie–Hellman), digital envelope processing, authenticated encryption, multiple...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.13

    Bugfixes: Fix uninitialized return value making some xxx_at() calls abort the trace Fix some other warnings via static analysis Enhancements: Show a warning when...