51 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Biochemistry Types: software

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  • software


    Measurement and Analysis scripts used in "A ballistic graphene superconducting microwave circuit"
  • software

    MitoA analysis tool for Linux

    The MitoA analyser is an easy-to-use GUI-based morphological quantification tool that enables biologists to analyse and compare different samples of segmented mitochondria...
  • software

    LiberTEM/LiberTEM: 0.2.2

    LiberTEM is an open source platform for high-throughput distributed processing of large-scale binary data sets using a simplified MapReduce programming model. The current...
  • software


    Usage: ./filter_fasta.py [path to input dir] [path to accepted taxon list]. Input files are expected to be in fasta format. The script will traverse all files in the input dir,...
  • software

    Mcnet School 2017 Virtual Machine Image

    This is the final version of the virtual machine image used at the 2017 MCnet school in Lund. The user password is: mcnet
  • software


    The MitoA analyser is an easy-to-use GUI-based morphological quantification tool that enables biologists to analyse and compare different samples of segmented mitochondria...
  • software


    GEOS-Chem 12.7.1 19 Feb 2020   Prevent excessive scavenging in Luo et al 2019 wet deposition scheme a. NOTE: Additional fixes will be added in 12.7.2 Bug fixes for the TOMAS...
  • software


    This file contains all the scripts and formated data that were used for the ms entitled "The quiescent X, the replicative Y and the Autosomes" by Achaz et al. The biorxiv...
  • software

    PyPDD: a positive degree day model for glacier surface mass balance

    This is the first Python 3 release of PyPDD, also including: easy installation with pip install pypdd, bug fixes in the GRASS GIS module.
  • software


    This is the initial packaging of the scripts and data sources used to generate the default emissions inventory for MARC; these are intended as supplements or modifications to...
  • software

    SSPredict: A Solid Solution Strengthening Prediction and Visualization Tool

    This tool visualizes the solid solution strengthening stress of complex concentrated alloys (CCAs) in pseudo-ternary diagrams. The contour plot is combined with phase...
  • software


    This spreadsheet has been designed to process the raw data generated from a study conducted according to OECD guideline 106. It should be used alongside the general...
  • software

    gerw/restricted_mesh_deformations v1.0

    Shape Optimization based on Restricted Mesh Deformations    
  • software


    GEOS-Chem 12.8.0 04 May 2020 This version includes the following updates: Isoprene chemistry Wet deposition parameterization Ozone deposition to the ocean Use online...
  • software

    Sentinelflow: automated satellite image workflow for Sentinel-2

    Search, download and patch Copernicus Sentinel-2 data into appealing color images. Colors are adapted to human perception and fit for dark oceans as well as bright snow...
  • software

    A QSAT Benchmark Based on Vertex-Folkman Problems

    The purpose of this project is to draw attention to a particular family of quantified Boolean formulas (QBFs) stemming from encodings of some vertex Folkman problems in extremal...
  • software


    eclsk-mmod-1.0.zip: Software to reproduce the analysis workflow in Kyle Husmann's Masters Thesis, "Using the Measurement Model of Derivatives to Evaluate and Refine Measurement...
  • software

    geoschem/geos-chem: GEOS-Chem 12.0.0 release

    GEOS-Chem 12.0.2 Released 10 Oct 2018 This release contains fixes for minor issues that were discovered after the GEOS-Chem 12.0.1 release, namely: (1) Fixed local-time...
  • software


    Learning-Based Concept-Hierarchy Refinement through Exploiting Topology, Content and Social Information
  • software


    GEOS-Chem 12.6.3 25 Nov 2019 This feature adds more minor fixes for issues discovered after the 12.6.1 release. GCHP bug fix: Make sure the MAPL pointer for UVALBEDO is valid...