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    Articles are only compared against other articles from the same journal. Ratio significantly different from 0.5 at p = 0.05, *Significant at p = 0.01; Bonferroni corrected for...
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    Kruskal-Wallis post-hoc pairwise comparisons absolute trabecular thickness (t...

    ns = not significant. Bolded values remain significant after correction for multiple comparisons (adjusted significance for multiple comparisons from pairwise comparisons...
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    (a)Paired t-tests, df = 19.(b)T-tests based on averaged values for RS1/T1, respectively T5/RS2.
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    Planned comparisons between ERP amplitudes at nine electrode sites in the SP ...

    Footnote: Significant differences are indicated in bold. Alpha levels were Bonferroni-corrected for the number of post-hoc ANOVAs (9) and t-tests (9) that were conducted from p...
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    TEE is expressed in meters for walking distance and in km/h for walking speed. CV is expressed in percentage. Comparisons were performed from all pooled walking bouts (mean...
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    Pairwise comparisons of scores in experiment 1 that showed a significant diff...

    Column 6 indicates whether the observed difference was statistically significant.
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    Participants description, neuropsychological assessment and group comparisons...

    p<0.01, * p<0.001.Max: Maximum possible score on the test. NA: Normal Aging, MCI: Mild Cognitive Impairment, AD: Alzheimer's dementia, F =  Female, DEP  =  Depressed,...
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    Weighted mean effect-size values for each drug were derived using a random-effects model with the method of DerSimonian and Laird. N: number of trials; SMD (95%CI): summary...
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    Paired comparisons for positive log(LR) values between TrueAllele (TA) and CPI.

    Significance tests were done for means (Student t) and medians (Wilcoxon signed rank W). Correlation coefficients (r) and coefficient of determinations (r2) are shown....
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    The TrueAllele method preserved more identification information (mean) over a broader range (minimum, maximum) than the two inclusion methods, and produced more inclusions and...
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    Column 3 is the difference between the observed scores. Column 4 indicates whether the observed difference was statistically significant.
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    Case-based research on democratization

    Empirical research on democratization is dominated by case studies and small-N comparisons. This article is a first attempt to take stock of qualitative case-based research on...
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    Patient characteristics and group comparisons at inclusion.

    *The values for gender and rheumatoid factor positivity are the number of patients/number of patients assessed (%). Group comparisons performed with Kruskall Wallis...
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    Between group comparisons in average time spent on educational material by st...

    Time spent in minutes, with 95% confidence interval in brackets. N = 21 in each group.
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    Upper right diagonal = uncorrected (asymptotic) p values, lower left diagonal = Bonferroni corrected p’ values, where p’ = pNpairwise.
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    Results of the Generalised Linear Model analysis with all the pairwise compar...

    Results of the Generalised Linear Model analysis with all the pairwise comparisons between taxa5 and the other eight taxa groups and their interactions with character sets.
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    p values of multiple comparisons among tests evaluating sensitivity for activ...

    Footnote: HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; TB: tuberculosis; TST (Tuberculin skin test); QFT-GIT: QuantiFERON® Gold in Tube (indeterminate results included as negative...
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    Correction for multiple comparisons on volume and cortical thickness differen...

    aNumber of tested structures.bNumber of significant structures after application of correction.
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    Summary of pairwise comparisons of FID (logged) for analyses of each species ...

    Brackets after the species name refer to the number of significant comparisons (out of the comparisons conducted). Square brackets refer to the observed power of the analysis....