26 items found

Licenses: License Not Specified Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Hematology Inorganic Chemistry Types: software

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  • software


    2nd analysis of the licenses of all GBIF datasets as discussed in this pull request: https://github.com/Datafable/gbif-data-licenses/pull/45. Date: 2014-10-28 Datasets...
  • software


    These are the data files associated with the Jupyter notebook analyzing_mutations_with_trained_models in Selene.
  • software

    Role of the quasi-particles in an electric circuit with Josephson junctions (...

    This the codes and data used to produce results of the article Role of the quasi-particles in an electric circuit with Josephson junctions. It is a new algorithm to from...
  • software

    GEM-MACH-PAH, rev2488

    GEM-MACH-PAH rev2488. This is the fortran90 CHEM code that runs with GEMv4.8-LTS.12. This code was used to produce the results shown in the Geoscientific Model Development ...
  • software

    inmetr R package (v 0.0.3): Historical Data from Brazilian Meteorological Sta...

    inmetr R package provides access to historical data measured by meteorological stations available in the Meteorological Database for Education and Research (BDMEP) from National...
  • software

    Production networks and epidemic spreading: How to restart the UK economy?

    Reproduction code and data for Pichler, Pangallo, del Rio-Chanona, Lafond, Farmer (2020): Production networks and epidemic spreading: How to restart the UK economy? Folder...
  • software


    This repository contains all routines to generate the figures of the article 'On multifractals: a non-linear study of actigraphy data' published at Physica A: Statistical...
  • software

    Data for Selene's analyzing mutations tutorial

    These are the data files associated with the Jupyter notebook analyzing_mutations_with_trained_models in Selene.
  • software


    Code for the statistical analysis of kinematic data using a hierarchical Bayesian generalized linear model as described in Mielke et al. "Motion analysis of non-model organisms...
  • software


    DrugPrep is an algorithm for transforming raw medications data into formatted, analysis-ready drug exposure data.  The current version of DrugPrep archived here has been...
  • software


    This forms part of the preliminary open data release for the Project Panormos archaeological survey. This "panormos/survey-analysis" repository contains the R code used for...
  • software

    Awesome Microbiome Stats

    A curated list of papers on microbiome statistical analysis and tools. Constantly in development at GitHub.
  • software


    MATLAB files for iterative solution of inverse Radon transform with a Gaussian beam model. Example data included.
  • software

    sciencetoday/go-serial: Release v1.0 - A cross-platform serial library for go...

    # go.bug.st/serial.v1 A cross-platform serial library for go-lang. ## Documentation and examples See the godoc here: https://godoc.org/go.bug.st/serial.v1 ## Development If...
  • software


    This the codes and data used to produce results of the article Role of the quasi-particles in an electric circuit with Josephson junctions. It is a new algorithm to from...
  • software


    This is the data package containing the data to reproduce all maps from the EFSA opinion 10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5114
  • software


    BioNetApp is an interactive visual data mining software for analyzing high-volume molecular expression data obtained from multiple ‘omics experiments. The download file...
  • software

    geoschem/geos-chem: GEOS-Chem 12.6.0

    GEOS-Chem 12.9.0 17 July 2020 DOI TBD This version includes the following updates: Updated halogen chemistry Improved cloudwater pH Update offline lightning data through Dec...
  • software


    This captures the alpha version of the Oklahoma Virtual Academic Library (OVAL) Software, developed at Innovation @ the Edge, Bizzell Library, University of Oklahoma, in 2016,...
  • software


    This repository contains an R package qPLEXanalyzer used for quantitative proteomics data analysis generated from qPLEX-RIME method. In addition, it also contains an...