114 items found

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    The summarization of the author sets with different productivity.

    All of the documents containing the word “coronary” in their titles, abstracts or keywords were collected from Web of Science. The scope was limited to the years 2008 through...
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    Manual annotation of a random 250 papers from the 10,555 papers in the study. Manual examination was to determine whether the study did indeed generate gene expression...
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    manuscript source file (knitr)

    The source file for running the statistics and inserting the results into the manuscript text. The manuscript does not include final wording revisions made in the peer review...
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    *Only those papers for which can be linked to others through citation are classified. Thus, the main field for some authors with only one indexed publication cannot be...
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    The number of papers published for terrestrial Carnivores is shown for comparison.
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    International scientific network (authors) statistics

    inc- income-level of the country of origin: (3) high-income, (2) middle-income and (1) low-income country. The definitions of the network statics here presented can be found in...
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    Search strategies used to identify articles citing each edition of the WOA/WOD in WoS.
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    The definitions of the 4 groups are: UCP – authors publishing in all 16 years (1996–2011); Non-UCP – authors not publishing in all 16 years (1996–2011); Skip – authors who...
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    The characteristics of awarded and rejected applicants with the CoS or DoS de...

    Note: 1Work at a university differs from that at a research institute, mainly, in the need to complement one’s scientific activity with teaching. 2An Russian Academy of...
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    An Absolute Index (<i>Ab-index</i>) to Measure a Researcher’s Useful Contribu...

    Bibliographic analysis has been a very powerful tool in evaluating the effective contributions of a researcher and determining his/her future research potential. The lack of an...
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    Agreement among reviewers regarding recommendations on the publication of eva...

    Cohen's kappa for this 3×3 cross table: 0.059 [95%-CI: −0.016–0.134], Spearman's r: 0.17 (p<0.0001). When “accept” and “accept after revision” were condensed into one variable...
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    Trends in publications (integer count) and citations downloaded from Web of Knowledge by year using the cardiovascular bibliometric filter.
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    Estimated and imputed year-to-year retention rates (Y2YRR) and cumulative UCP...

    *UCP rates for earlier years that have been estimated by extrapolation using year-to-year retention rates (Y2YRR) from the more recent data are shown in bold type. Estimated (by...
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    File S1 - Big Science vs. Little Science: How Scientific Impact Scales with F...

    Figure S1, Assume that the research impact of individual researchers (I), measured in this case as number of publications, varies as an exponential function of grant size (F): I...
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    East-African Social Sciences And Humanities Journals Active In 2008-2009

    Research Data of „East-African Social Sciences and Humanities Publishing: A Handmade Bibliometrics Approach“, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Science and...
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    List of top Inventor analysis shown.

    List of top Inventor analysis shown.
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    The Individual and Scholarly Networks: Evaluating Network Connections - Discu...

    The Individual and Scholarly Networks was a two-part seminar organized by Research Trends and Elsevier Labs on January 22, 2013. Webcast live from Oxford, Amsterdam and New...
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    Why Has the Number of Scientific Retractions Increased?

    BackgroundThe number of retracted scientific publications has risen sharply, but it is unclear whether this reflects an increase in publication of flawed articles or an increase...
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    Data set for " Party papers or policy discussions: an examination of highly s...

    This is the dataset used for the paper published in Research Trends on February 24, 2014. Data was harvested from Altmetric.com under research terms. The methodology is detailed...
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    Asian countries with their GDP per capita, spending on R&D as% of total GDP, ...

    Main sources of retrieving information [6]–[8], Data expressed as Mean±SEM.