31 items found

Groups: ZENODO Tags: Computational Biology Developmental Biology Sociology

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    Supplementary Table 1

    Commensal rodent species are key reservoirs for Toxoplasma gondii in the domestic environment. In rodents, different T. gondii strains show variable patterns of virulence...
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    The Chemistry Development Kit in the Netherlands

    Talk at the NBIC2012 meeting, see https://www.nbic.nl/about-nbic/nbic-conferences/nbic-conference-2012/programme/programme-april-25-detailed/index.html.
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    El problema de la baja participación de las mujeres en la STEM a nivel mundia...

    Presentation made in the W-STEM International Leadership Summit, held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia on November 25-26th, 2019. It describes the problem of the low...
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    Blue-Action contribution to the ICCS5 Conference held in Cape Town, South Africa, on 28 February 2017 More about ICCS5...
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    Seiring dengan upaya memperluas pengetahuan literasi keuangan dan perbankan sebagai bagian menjawab tujuan ketiga pada program pengabdian kepada masyarakat di perguruan tinggi,...
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    Presentation at CSARN Safer Cities Seminar

    This seminar on Safer Cities was organized by the City Security and Resilience Network, a professional association/networking group for organizations based in the City of...
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    The WFIRST Exoplanet Microlensing Survey

    The Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) is a NASA space observatory designed to address key questions about the Universe and the population of extrasolar planets in...
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    La Revista de Humanidades Digitales. Construir un campo desde la publicación ...

    Póster presentado en el V Congreso Internacionales de la Asociación de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas en la Facultad de Humanidades de Toledo.  
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    MERIT is an iterative policy implementation project that aims to incentivize robust research mechanism by introducing indicators for robust and transparent research mechanisms...
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    Efforts for Promoting Open Access Repositories in Palestine

    Developing countries have begun to take strong steps in open access publishing through open repositories, however, they face significant challenges that may differ from those in...
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    Slides les "De inspraakkloof op werk en haar gevolgen"

    Slides voor een een les i.k.v. postgraduaat opleiding ‘Vorming van het Sociaal-Economisch Beleid’ (ISUA - UAntwerpen). Abstract: In deze les gaan we in op cijfers, recent...
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    Modelo de formación no presencial de la Universidad de Salamanca

    Presentación del modelo de formación no presencial de la Universidad de Salamanca a la delegación del Ministerio de Educación Superior de Marruecos que visita la Universidad de...
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    (PDF) Lean Body Hacks Review: Mike Zhang | Lean Body Hacks 21 Day Guide

    Lean Body Hacks is a 21-day online program that lose 2 pounds of stubborn body fat every 48 hours without a single workout or change to your diet, and boost your metabolism....
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    Preparing Clients for Open Source Contributions

    At CivicActions we've developed a number of methodologies to help enable our clients to be a part of the open source community. This talk will focus on a number of those...
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    Huge Male Secret Review: Ingredients, Pros and Cons of Huge Male Secret

    Huge Male Secret Review In this Huge Male Secret review, you are reading a completely honest Huge Male Secret review! Today I am going to discuss in detail about Huge Male...
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    Humanidades Digitales y archivos: prácticas convergentes

    Presentación en panel sobre Humanidades Digitales en II Congreso Internacional “Archivos personales en transición:  de lo privado a lo público, de lo analógico a lo digital " de...
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    Die Entwicklung des ALPHA JET begann 1969 als deutsch-französisches Rüstungskooperationsprojekt zur Entwicklung eines gemeinsamen Schulflugzeugs. Dieses wurde in Deutschland...
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    Ponencia presentada en el Congreso Regional - Summer Camp "Cambio Climático: Soluciones prácticas a la inseguridad alimentaria en Centroamérica, desarrollado en el Campus de la...
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    Perkolationsanalyse – Archäologische Anwendungen auf unterschiedlichen räumli...

    Vortragsfolien des Vortrags: Perkolationsanalyse – Archäologische Anwendungen auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen Ebenen Maddison, Simon , Schmidt, Sophie C. Dieser Beitrag hat...
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    El taller “¿Cómo construir un perfil digital de investigador en Innovación Educativa?” fue impartido el día 4 de octubre de 2017 en el IV Congreso Internacional sobre...