99 items found

Groups: ZENODO Tags: Computational Biology Developmental Biology Molecular Biology

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    Elenco dei codici e delle denominazioni delle unità territoriali al 01/01/202...

    Il file contiene la lista dei comuni esistenti alla data riportata nel nome del file. Ciascun comune è identificato, nel file, da un codice statistico (il codice del...
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    PubChemLite tier0 and tier1

    PubChemLite is a subset of PubChem (https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) selected from major categories of the Table of Contents page at the PubChem Classification Browser...
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    This dataset can be used as an input for peptide and protein ID workflows. It was originally published in Vaudel et al., 2014, Proteomics...
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    Initial configuration. Single stranded overhang in invading strand, length = 30 bp Initial configuration. Single stranded overhang in invading strand, length = 30 bp
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    EU MENU Structural Metadata

    The availability of detailed, harmonised and high-quality food consumption data for use in dietary exposure assessments is a long-term objective of EFSA. In 2009, the EFSA...
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    Architecture of Pol II(G) and molecular mechanism of transcription regulation...

    This repository contains the modeling files and the analysis related to the article "Architecture of Pol II(G) and molecular mechanism of transcription regulation by...
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    Enumeration Of Williamson Sequences Divisible By 2 Or 3

    These files contain an enumeration of all inequivalent Williamson sequences of orders divisible by 2 or 3 and up to 70 as defined in the paper "Applying Computer...
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    S17 | KEMIMARKET | KEMI Market List

    This is the collection associated with list S17 KEMIMARKET on the NORMAN Suspect List Exchange. https://www.norman-network.com/nds/SLE/ S17 : KEMIMARKET: KEMI Market List...
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    Dice Estimation Dataset

    This dataset includes Spark application log files and DICE UML models for the validation of the DICE FG tool against the Netfective demonstrator. More details on the DICE...
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    Vortex input files - Carroll et al. Scientific Reports

    Vortex input files associated with the manuscript by Carroll et al. "Biological and sociopolitical sources of uncertainty in population viability analysis for endangered...
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    Consolidado de los datos de las Revistas USTA USTA (Colombia) en la plataforma Google Académico. Parte del servicio de vigilancia tecnológica del Observatorio de...
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    AgileOERP Dataset v1

    This dataset is collected from commercial management tool to customize an open source ERP applying agile methodology. It contains 350 user stories (US), 1323 tasks (TS) and 198...
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    Genetic differences between Coccidioides spp. and closely related nonpathogen...

    Abstract:  Coccidioides spp. are dimorphic, pathogenic fungi that can cause severe human and animal disease.  Like the other primary fungal pathogens, animal infection...
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    Data and analysis code for 'Monovision and the misperception of motion'

    Data from the publication 'Monovision and the misperception of motion. J Burge, V Rodriguez-Lopez, C Dorronsoro'. to be published. Preprint version of the manuscript...
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    S12 | NORMANEWS | NormaNEWS for Retrospective Screening of New Emerging Conta...

    This is the collection associated with list S12 NormaNEWS on the NORMAN Suspect List Exchange. https://www.norman-network.com/?q=suspect-list-exchange S12 NORMANEWS...
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    Diese Daten wurden vom Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik (IDE - http://i-d-e.de, http://d-nb.info/gnd/6521152-2) gesammelt zur empirischen Untermauerung und...
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    Cómo grabar clases en vídeo

    En este vídeo describimos cómo grabar nuestra pantalla de escritorio, con su audio. Es el procedimiento que utilizamos para grabar nuestras clases y resulta de especial utilidad...
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    Neotropical leaf-litter beetle genus Motonerus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae): n...

    Numerous new material of the genus Motonerus Hansen, 1989 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae) was examined over the past decade, resulting in the discovery of several...
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    Datos Autores USTA Google Scholar

    Consolidado de los datos de las publicaciones de autores con filiación USTA (Colombia) en la plataforma Google Scholar. Parte del servicio de vigilancia...