137 items found

Groups: ZENODO Tags: 111714 Mental Health 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Genetics

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  • dataset

    Strategies for Prioritizing Needs for Accelerated Construction after Hazard E...

    Corresponding data set for Tran-SET Project No. 18PPLSU04. Abstract of the final report is stated below for reference: "There is a need for rapid and responsive...
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    Sample data for Permanganate sequencing

    Sample datasets for permanganate seq data analysis (human)
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    Data And Script For: A Marker Of Biological Age Explains Individual Variation...

    Data and script for: A marker of biological age explains individual variation in the strength of the adult stress response. Comprises 2 CSV data files and one R script.
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    BIDS Data for "A Whole-Brain Map and Assay Parameter Analysis of Mouse VTA Do...

    Base data package for the “Multivariate Guide to Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Optogenetic Control of the Mouse VTA” article, formatted corresponding to the Brain...
  • dataset

    Hmgb1 And Ivhh4 Interaction Analyses With Huntingtin By Pull-Down - 15Th Janu...

    Huntingtin structure function open lab notebook project.  Funding Acknowledgment: The SGC is a registered charity (number 1097737) that receives funds from AbbVie, Bayer...
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    Supplementary data for A. Mikheenko, A. Prjibelski, V. Saveliev, D. Antipov, A. Gurevich. Versatile genome assembly evaluation with QUAST-LG. ISMB 2018...
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    Transient Suppression Of Dbx1 Prebötzinger Interneurons Disrupts Breathing In...

    Interneurons derived from Dbx1-expressing precursors located in the brainstem preBötzinger complex (preBötC) putatively form the core oscillator for inspiratory breathing...
  • dataset

    MHC-wide association results (uveitis-JIA cases vs non-uveitis JIA samples): ...

    Association results across the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6 in male samples only. Note that coordinates are on build hg18. Columns are:  CHR:...
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    Developmental Changes in the Categorical Processing of Positive and Negative ...

    Categorical biases in the processing of emotional facial expression have been the subject of much debate in the literature. Opposing views on this topic claim either that...
  • dataset

    Dataset S2 - Viral metagenomics in the clinical realm: lessons learned from a...

    Dataset S2. FASTQ datasets for increment 2. Supplemental material of article "Viral metagenomics in the clinical realm: lessons learned from a Swiss-wide ring...
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    IMaChecker dataset

    This data set contains mined issues from 250 Github projects. The R scripts can be used to perform statistical analysis on the mined issues.
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    Training data for "Differential exon usage analysis"

    In RNA-Seq, we usually want to know the differentially expressed genes, as explained in several Galaxy Training Material tutorials. Sometimes,the question is more "which...
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    Reactive pressure infiltration of Cu-46at.pct. Si into carbon

    Raw data linked to the paper published in Acta Materialia :Reactive pressure infiltration of Cu-46at.pct. Si into carbon (DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2019.07.010)
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    Pain Experiences of Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain and Central Sensitizat...

    Central sensitization (CS) is regarded as an important contributing factor for chronification of musculoskeletal pain (MSP). It is crucial to identify CS, as targeted multimodal...
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    SNase Diffraction Data and Analysis

    This upload contains data and analysis scripts used in the manuscript "Towards computational design of improved protein crystal resolution". In this dataset,...
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    Screens For Eye-Tracking Based Assessment Of Different Visualizations

    Screend for eye-tracking based assessment of: Rhythm-eyes Modeling Phase Diagrams PPM Charts 
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    Code and data for two Hector calibration papers

    Code and data used in two Hector calibration papers: 1. "Calibrating simple climate models to individual Earth system models: Lessons learned from calibrating...
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    Livorno, Urban driving, detection of fallen bicycle

    Scenario description: Test session for fallen bicycle with AD and connected vehicle Session description: The fallen bicycle use case aims to demonstrate the possibility for a...
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    MESA inlist associated with Pulsations and eclipse-time analysis of HW Vir