26 items found

Types: software Groups: ZENODO Tags: version

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  • software

    Capytaine v1.0.1

    Main changes in version 1.0.1: Paper for the Journal of Open Source Software Fix OpenMP parallelization Minor improvements of the documentation See docs/changelog.rst for...
  • software

    Resplandy et al 2018 - APO

    This is the code used to compute Atmospheric Potential Oxygen (APO) as described in Resplandy et al 2018. This version reflects the Authors Correction. Readme file describes...
  • software


    Steady model for "Magma Ascent Mathematical Modelling and Analysis" (https://github.com/demichie/MAMMA). This version includes a crystallization model for basaltic...
  • software

    DEQ : Equivalence Checker for Deterministic Register Automata

    Archive containing version of tools and benchmarks required to repeat empirical evaluation using the ATVA artifact evaluation virtual machine for the paper DEQ: Equivalence...
  • software


    This is the pre-compiled JAR file for the Visualization of Methods Changeability Based on VCS Data paper. Supported IntelliJ IDEA versions: 2018.3-2019.1.  
  • software

    The NAI Engine

    This is a version of the NAI engine which accompanies a submission to the ICAIL 2019 conference. Due to the double blind reviewing process, authors names were removed.
  • software

    Computing Linear Restrictions of Neural Networks

    This repository contains the source code corresponding to our paper "Computing Linear Restrictions of Neural Networks" at NeurIPS 2019.   Please see...
  • software


    Material Model Fitting software For latest version please see https://github.com/KnutAM/matmodfit/
  • software

    ehaacker/Segmented-Regression-for-Wells: First release

    This release is identical to version 0.1, but v0.1 didn't show up in Zenodo to get a DOI, so this is a test to see if that was because of the "pre-release" toggle....
  • software

    Citclops - Citizen water colour monitoring app 2014_09_29

    The "Citclops - Citizen water colour monitoring" app, now obsolete, in its most recent version (2014.09.29).
  • software

    CDNest: A diffusive nested sampling code in C

    This is a C version of diffusive nested sampling code developed by Brendon Brewer (https://github.com/eggplantbren/DNest3), but with minor modifications.
  • software

    cyphar/pure-quartic-solitons: v1.0.0

    This is the first (and probably final) release of the various pure-quartic-soliton scripts used to analyse the shoebox of the PQS differential equations. This version is the one...
  • software

    CRAFTY-Brazil Input Maps

    Manipulating MapBiomas (version 4) data for land cover maps to use in CRAFTY-Brazil simulation model
  • software

    Kreastr/someklusterointi: Release version v0.1

    Initial functionality implemented for clustering and visualisation. The version has been used to perform sensitivity analysis for publication.
  • software

    imfit v1.3.1

    C++ code for fitting astronomical images (especially of galaxies) in FITS format, as described in Erwin (2015; ApJ 799: 226). Main web page: http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~erwin/imfit...
  • software

    Clawpack Version 5.4.1

    Clawpack (Conservation Laws Package) Version 5.7.0 is a software package to solve hyperbolic partial differential equations using high-resolution Godunov-type finite volume...
  • software

    Beatbox V1.0: Background Error Analysis Testbed With Box Models

    Accompanying source code for the BEATBOX v1.0 model to be published in Geoscientific Model Development. For the most up-to-date version refer to PyPi.org and...
  • software

    Tools for gaze estimation

    This software tools allow to analyse and to estimate the gaze destination of computer users. For example, it may be used to recognize sets of cognitive activities that the user...
  • software

    SasView version 5.0.1

    New in Version 4.2.0 -------------------- This release heralds many improvements and a host of bug fixes, along with some significant changes from previous versions. Further, as...
  • software

    Kheegan/Tomo_Mapsn: Igm Tomography Analytic Forecasting Code

    This is IDL code used to do analytic forecasts for IGM tomography surveys of the high-redshift Lyman-alpha forest. The basic algorithm is described in Section 3.3 of Lee et al...