14 items found

Types: software Groups: ZENODO Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Biochemistry Marine Biology Sociology

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  • software

    Replication files for "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah? The Long-Run Consequence...

    This document presents data and programs used to produce empirical evidence presented in the article and in the Online Appendix. Codes for this paper were run using Stata. The...
  • software

    MorphoLibJ: MorphoLibJ 1.3.0

    MorphoLibJ libraray v1.3.0. New features: Interactive tool for watershed distance transform (2D/3D) Interactive tool for morphological reconstruction using manual markers...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.8

    Behavior changes: No longer default to overwriting trace directories. ReproZip will ask what to do or exit with an error if one of --continue/--overwrite is not provided...
  • software

    Pooch: A friend to fetch your sample data files

    Does your Python package include sample datasets? Are you shipping them with the code? Are they getting too big? Pooch is here to help! It will manage a data registry by...
  • software

    MultiDOE: sampling technics on MATLAB/OCTAVE - v3.2

    MultiDOE This MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox regroups many existing tools for generating sample points using many specific DOE techniques: Full factorial sampling Latin Hypercube...
  • software

    grl 4.0 - Robotics tools in C++ with support for the KUKA LBR iiwa

    Robotics tools in C++11. Implements real time arm drivers for Kuka LBR iiwa plus V-REP, ROS, Constrained Optimization based planning and Inverse Kinematics integration....
  • software

    Artifact (Software + Dataset) For "Phys: Probabilistic Physical Unit Assignme...

    https://unl-nimbus-lab.github.io/phys phys is a tool to detect physical unit inconsistencies in C++ that builds against the Robot Operating System. phys is a...
  • software

    poldracklab/fmriprep: 1.3.0

    Release Notes We start the 1.3.x series including a few bugfixes, housekeeping duty and a refactors to leverage sMRIPrep (which is a fork of fMRIPrep's anatomical workflow),...
  • software

    tidybayes: Tidy Data and Geoms for Bayesian Models

    Various geoms and stats have been merged together under the geom_slabinterval() and stat_slabinterval() "meta-geom" (#84). This has enabled a bunch of new geoms to...
  • software

    Reconciliação de dados sem redundância de medição (data reconciliation withou...

    Software for data reconciliation without measurement redundancy:                        ...
  • software

    UKRMol+: UKRMol-out

    Inner region programs for the reengineered UK computational implementation of the R-matrix method for the treatment of electron and positron scattering from molecules (BTO/GTO...
  • software

    Farley-Buneman Flow Angle: EPPIC source

    This includes the source code and input files that produced the simulation data reported in Young, et al. "The Farley-Buneman Spectrum in 2-D and 3-D PIC Simulations",...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.10

    (reprounzip-vistrails didn't change) Bugfixes: Correctly escape shell commands containing backticks Overwrite tty prompt works correctly on Python 3 Fix /proc in...
  • software

    Artifact for paper: New Optimizations and Heuristics for Determinization of B...

    The archive artifact.zip contains the artifact for the paper: New Optimizations and Heuristics for Determinization of Büchi Automata It contains:  - the source code...