28 items found

Types: publication Groups: ZENODO Tags: Biotechnology Medicine Microbiology Plant Biology

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    Intelligence artificielle et (vrais) apports opérationnels pour nos métiers Dystopie ou utopie, notre avenir se construira avec et non sans l’intelligence artificielle. Nous...
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    Cómo Utilizar Google Scholar Para Mejorar La Visibilidad De Nuestra Producció...

    1.– Importancia de Google Scholar. 2.- Fotografía General de Google Scholar 3. - Cómo hacer que nuestros documentos se indexen en Google Scholar 4.- Cómo crear y gestionar un...
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    Poster of integration platform genomed
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    Fungal endophyte Acremonium alternatum helps to mitigate biotic and abiotic s...

    This poster was presented during the 7th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress: Europe 21-22 May 2019. ABSTRACT Background: Biocontrol agents and beneficial microbes are...
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    Novel Scattering Power Decomposition Techniques For Full And Compact Polarime...

    In this poster we present novel scattering power decomposition techniques for full and compact polarimetric SAR data. • SDY4O Polarimetric SAR Decomposition • AG4U Polarimetric...
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    Langkah dan program untuk memperkokoh ideologi negara berbasis kearifan lokal adalah (1)  melakukan mapping identitas lokal (local identity mapping), (2) internalisasi dan...
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    This is a tutorial lecture "Organic Single Crystals 101" (b&w version) given at the Fall MRS 2011 meeting in Boston, MA, USA. It describes organic semiconductor single crystals...
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    Membangun Semangat Nasionalisme Pemuda Posmodern Dengan Spirit Agama Dan Budaya

    Ada lima prinsip nasionalisme dalam semangat dan kejiwaan bangsa: (1) kesatuan (unity) dalam wilayah teritorial, bangsa, bahasa, ideologi, dan doktrin kenegaraan, sistem politik...
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    Overview of Scanning Microwave Microscopy

    Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM) is a nanoscale imaging technique that combines the lateral resolution of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) with the high measurement precision of...
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    Desafíos y perspectivas de la Filosofía de la Educación Matemática

    Históricamente se asocia el término Filosofía de la Educación Matemática, con el de Filosofía de la matemática, retomando algunos conceptos de la filosofía de la educación. Sin...
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    Single-Source-Publishing für alle: Anpassung des métopes-Systems an projektsp...

    Elektronisches Publizieren ermöglicht, dass Inhalte in unterschiedlichen Formaten für unterschiedliche Endgeräte angeboten werden können. Neben einer PDF-Version könnten dies...
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    Optimizing organic lentil crops in Sweden

    Preliminary results of a Swedish project on cultivation of organic lentils. Field experiments.
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    Ponencia presentada en el Congreso Regional - Summer Camp "Cambio Climático: Soluciones prácticas a la inseguridad alimentaria en Centroamérica, desarrollado en el Campus de la...
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    SUMCASTEC_190203_NA_BangorWSPres_Workshop Presentation_.pdf_Limoges_A. Pothie...

    Presentation given by Dr A. Pothier at the workshop on EM field interaction with biological tissues for cancer and regenerative medicine held at Bangor University, Bangor, UK on...
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    A fala de migrantes internos: uma agenda de estudos

    A fala de migrantes internos: uma agenda de estudos Ainda que migrantes internos componham, atualmente, grande parte da população das grandes cidades brasileiras, os estudos...
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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi terhadap prestasi belajar fisika, (2) Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan belajar...
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    Taking a 'Persistent Identifier First' approach to Common Research Workflows

    Slides (Part 2) for the  PID Party! Integrating PIDs in OS tools Join Alison McGonagle-O'Connell and Simon Porter to learn about the PID subculture of OS integration...
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    Antibiotic susceptibility and virulence profiling of endemic X. fastidiosa su...

    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fatidiosa is endemic in Costa Rica. Although the bacteria has great potential for disease and it is widespread throughout the country, a common feature...
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    A native iPad app for the DSpace 7 REST API

    This is a native iPad app for DSpace 7 repositories, built using the new version of the REST API. The app also runs on iPhones, but this is not recommended for most use cases...
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    Interaction between organic matter and tree cover in silvopastoral systems es...

    La proporción de materia orgánica en el suelo se ve directamente influenciada por la cobertura del arbolado debido a la ausencia de luz en las capas inferiores del sistema,...