138 items found

Groups: ZENODO Tags: Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Computational Biology Ecology

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    Durante los meses de febrero y marzo de 2012 se llevó a cabo una prospección arqueológica en los terrenos situados al sur del actual pueblo de Atarfe. La necesidad de esta...
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    Una red de ontologías para la poesía Europea

    Una ontología es una especificación formal y explícita de una conceptualización compartida (Studer, Benjamins y Fensel, 1998). Desde el punto de vista de la ingeniería...
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    Affiliation Homogeneity Index

    The nature of affiliations in DataCite repositories varies significantly... Can we predict ease of ROR adoption? This presentation describes an index for measuring affiliation...
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    Lepton Masses and Mixing in Two-Higgs-Doublet Model

    In frame of the two-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) we try to find some discrete, non-abelian flavour symmetry, which could explain masses and mixing matrix elements for leptons....
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    correspSearch v2 – New Ways of Exploring Correspondence

    Presentation on the ongoing development of correspSearch for the TEI 2019 Conference.
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    Grupo de Investigación GRIAL de la Universidad de Salamanca

    Presentación del Grupo GRIAL realizada el 17 de junio de 2019 dentro del Programa “Visita de Investigador de Impacto Internacional” de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín...
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    Modelling Approaches and Stability Assessment for 100% Converter-Based Systems

    With increasing shares of wind generation in many power systems, which are based around full- or partially-rated converters, an interesting question is what is required to...
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    Ponencia presentada en el Congreso Regional - Summer Camp "Cambio Climático: Soluciones prácticas a la inseguridad alimentaria en Centroamérica, desarrollado en el Campus de la...
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    How can we turn an invaded space into a free space?  Our project focused on investigating the areas of Loiu (the town where our school is located) where the invasive species of...
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    ALMA observations of Lyman Alpha Blobs

    We will introduce our dust and CO observations of high-z extended Lyman Alpha nebulae (Lyman Alpha Blobs or LABs). LABs are the best targets to study the relation between galaxy...
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    El taller “¿Cómo construir un perfil digital de investigador en Innovación Educativa?” fue impartido el día 4 de octubre de 2017 en el IV Congreso Internacional sobre...
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    The Actuator Line Model in Lattice Boltzmann Frameworks - Wake Characteristi...

    Presentation of the WESC 2019 conference. Further details to be published in the referring special issue in Wind Energy Science.
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    Legal Issues And Rights And Stuff, Or: How About Those Cc Licenses? And Other...

    Slides accompanying the presentation "legal issues and rights and stuff, or: how about those CC licenses? and other questions" given at the Wikimedia Germany Open Science...
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    Taller Para Autoras(Es) - Semana De Acceso Abierto, Ucr

    Taller para Autoras(es) en el marco de la celebración de la Semana de Acceso Abierto, UCR 2018.
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    Poster presented at the "Symposium on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Porous Organic Materials (UK-MOF-2018)", 9-10 April 2018, Southampton, UK.
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    WP9 Dissemination, Knowledge transfer & Outreach

    This presentation was given during the 4th ATLAS General Assembly and comprises 4 parts: Annette Wilson (AquaTT) - WP9: Dissemination, Knowledge Transfer & Outreach Emma...
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    Presentation given at the Magnificent CEvNS workshop (2018) on the NaI[Tl] detector included in the COHERENT Collaboration.
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    A caballo entre el verso y las humanidades digitales. La evaluación de herram...

    Las tecnologías y su dimensión ubicua se hacen presentes en todas las disciplinas y han cambiado la forma de estudiar e investigar, creando campos como las Humanidades Digitales...
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    A survey of atomic carbon [CI] in normal main sequence galaxies at high redshift

    Tracing the bulk of the molecular gas in galaxies is a task of paramount importance in extragalactic astrophysics, but historically hard to achieve. Dust and CO emission have...
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    Ikatan Obat-Reseptor

    Obat merupakan senyawa kimia dengan jenis ikatan tertentu. Senyawa obat berikatan dengan reseptor melalui ion, kovalen, hidrogen atau yang lain. Kekuatan ikatan akan menentukan...