83 items found

Groups: ZENODO Tags: Evolutionary Biology Genetics Medicine Plant Biology

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    Langkah dan program untuk memperkokoh ideologi negara berbasis kearifan lokal adalah (1)  melakukan mapping identitas lokal (local identity mapping), (2) internalisasi dan...
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    L'utilizzo del servizio IRIS Lombardia: un esempio di riuso di codice e adatt...

    Il Servizio Meteorologico Regionale di Arpa Lombardia gestisce una rete di monitoraggio composta da oltre 200 stazioni per un totale di quasi 2000 sensori. Per favorire la...
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    The Protean IR: Developing a versatile and decentralized repository through a...

    Columbia University Libraries recently released a new version of Columbia's institutional repository, Academic Commons. As we worked on the update, users asked for the ability...
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    Membangun Semangat Nasionalisme Pemuda Posmodern Dengan Spirit Agama Dan Budaya

    Ada lima prinsip nasionalisme dalam semangat dan kejiwaan bangsa: (1) kesatuan (unity) dalam wilayah teritorial, bangsa, bahasa, ideologi, dan doktrin kenegaraan, sistem politik...
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    Overview of Scanning Microwave Microscopy

    Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM) is a nanoscale imaging technique that combines the lateral resolution of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) with the high measurement precision of...
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    I, Praharshit Sharma, received an Official Email from Polish Airforce Institute of Aviation Medicine, Warszawa, as we had jointly "Optimized" using Hardware-Memory minimization...
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    More Info: Later published as: “The Extent of Tonal Irregularity in Pre-Qin Inscriptional Rhyming”, in: Anne O. Yue, Ting Pang-hsin & Hoh Dah-an eds., Hànyŭshĭ yánjiū — jìniàn...
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    Identifying, naming and interoperating data in a Phenotyping platform network...

    The EPPN2020 is a research project funded by Horizon 2020 Programme of the EU that will provide European public and private scientific sectors with access to a wide range of...
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    Single-Source-Publishing für alle: Anpassung des métopes-Systems an projektsp...

    Elektronisches Publizieren ermöglicht, dass Inhalte in unterschiedlichen Formaten für unterschiedliche Endgeräte angeboten werden können. Neben einer PDF-Version könnten dies...
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    Data integration with identifiers and ontologies

    Presentation showing recent research explaining why names and graphs are not enough in the modern life sciences.
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    (PDF) Smart Solar Box Review: Smart Power 4 All - Ryan Tanner

    Ryan Tanner’s Smart Solar Box (Smart Power 4 All) is an online system designed to building your own solar power plant that fits inside of a toolbox. It shows you the easy steps...
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    CALL FOR PAPERS - RAUSP Management Journal

    This Special Issue aims to advance knowledge and promote good qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and practices in the field of management We seek papers that...
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    The Effects Of Disinfection On Clavibacter Michigansensis Subsp. Sepedonicus ...

    Slide of the Euphresco project 'The effects of disinfection on Clavibacter michigansensis subsp. sepedonicus and other bacterial pathogens of potato in Europe' (CMS-DISINFECT)...
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    Antibiotic susceptibility and virulence profiling of endemic X. fastidiosa su...

    Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fatidiosa is endemic in Costa Rica. Although the bacteria has great potential for disease and it is widespread throughout the country, a common feature...
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    Terceiro Setor: captação de recursos e desenvolvimento institucional

    Organizações sem fins lucrativos devem atuar como organizações modernas, usando-se de ferramentas contemporâneas para atuar em favor de seus objetivos sociais com perspectivas...
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    Mining for Europe

    With the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market going through the Trilogue stage of the legislative process, there is a very real chance of an EU wide text and data...
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    Contrasting Age Of Arrival And Length Of Residence In Dialect Contact

    This paper reports on the analysis of a corpus built to disentangle the effects of Age of Arrival (AoA) and Length of Residence (LoR) in the dialect contact situation of rural...
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    Galaxy morphology, quenching, and mergers in the cluster environment

    Based on the catalogue from the KASI-Yonsei Deep Imaging Survey of Clusters targeting 14 clusters at 0.015 < z < 0.144, we introduce our findings on galaxy morphology,...
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    Toxoplasma gondii-Induced Behavioral Alterations in Domestic Cats (Felis catus)

    Domestic cats play pivotal roles in transmitting Toxoplasma gondii: This parasite reproduces sexually only in felid intestines, after which its oocysts are shed in feces for...
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    The poster presents the design-driven exercises of a joint-teaching project between the Image Guidance project at the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung at...