181 items found

Groups: ZENODO Tags: Ecology Virology

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    Prof. Dr. Haryono Suyono, MA, Ph.D Ketua Dewan Pakar Menteri Desa dan PDT, Transmigrasi Yayasan Anugerah
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    Farm poster Prieuré de Marcevol

    Planter des arbres: quel impact sur le paysage, sa beauté, sa biodiversité ?
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    Horizon 2020: Diverimpacts: Diversification Through Rotation, Intercropping, ...

    This poster about the Horizon 2020 project DiverIMPACTS was presented at the Agri Innovation Summit in Lisbon in October 2017.
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    The poster demonstrates the different types of cursive hieroglyphs used on Middle Kingdom coffins. It was presented at the Second Vatican Coffin Conference (June 6th–June 9th,...
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    Langkah dan program untuk memperkokoh ideologi negara berbasis kearifan lokal adalah (1)  melakukan mapping identitas lokal (local identity mapping), (2) internalisasi dan...
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    Datan Ja Metadatan Käyttöehdot Avoimen Tieteen Aikakaudella

    Esitys on pidetty Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston tutkimusdataseminaarissa "Kuka saa käyttää tutkimusdataa - Näkökulmia lisensointiin ja tieteen avoimuuteen" 4.10.2018.
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    Abstract submitted by Daniel Todt of Ecomotive AS to the 14th International IWA Conference on Sustainable Solutions for Small Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems...
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    Manage And Share Your Data - Research Data Management @ Sustainable Housing F...

    Presentation given to 'Sustainable Housing from a European Perspective' summer school students at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture on 27th June 2017.
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    Esse trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o equipamento de Raios- X e a dose recebida pelos profissionais no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Foi...
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    FAIRisation des entrepôts de données de recherche. [Workshop]

    Présentation des principes FAIR, des initatives en cours et les applications pour les entrepôts de données de recherche.
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    Resumo: Este estudo de caso é uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, conforme orientam Yin (2009) e Creswell (2014). Este estudo é resultado de uma...
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    Fantastic PIDs and Where NOT to Find Them

    One would have thought we’re probably not that far away from completing the Catalogue of Life, this vast encyclopedia of all animal and plant species, right? Not even close!...
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    Do Saber ao Criar: experiências tecnoromanas na Villa de Milreu

    O programa DiVaM pretende contribuir para destacar a importância das comunidades locais na valorização do património cultural, indo ao encontro dos princípios da “Convenção de...
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    Implementação de checklist como ferramenta auxiliar na prevenção de Pneumonia...

    A criação e implementação de uma ferramenta para auxiliar na investigação de possíveis eventos ocorridos dentro de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), permite a identificação...
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    Contato dialetal e identidade(s)

    Em contexto de contato dialetal, não raro se considera que a “identidade” dos falantes é um fator preponderante para a manutenção de traços linguísticos do local de origem ou...
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    Storm: Safeguarding Cultural Heritage Through Technical And Organisational Re...

    A presentation given at the Greater Manchester Archaeology Day, November 25 2017 at the University of Salford, Manchester.  The presentation focused on the Mellor pilot site,...
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    Interoperabilidad: Directrices Y Vocabularios Controlados

    Presentado en XV Congreso Internacional de Información, Info'2018 “Información y Conocimiento: desafíos para el Desarrollo Sostenible” 5 al 9 de marzo de 2018
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    Swine Feed Market: Global Industry Trends, Growth, Share, Size, Region by Dem...

    Get more information about the market: https://www.imarcgroup.com/swine-feed-market The global swine feed market reached a value of US$ 114.9 Billion in 2018. There has been a...
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    Comparação de um esfigmomanômetro aneroide versus medidor de pressão arterial...

    Este trabalho consiste em uma revisão de literatura que objetiva comparar a confiabilidade do esfigmomanômetro aneroide com o medidor de pulso digital. O esfigmomanômetro é um...