32 items found

Groups: ZENODO Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases 19999 Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified 39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified

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    Supplementary file 2

    A Darwincore file containing the meta data of the specimens examined in this study, using the template provided by GBIF for upload using the Integrated Publishing Toolkit...
  • dataset

    The design of optimal mixtures from atom groups using Generalized Disjunctive...

    The files contain all the mixture design problems implemented in GAMS for this publication. All problems are solved in GAMS version 24.8.3 and are run on a...
  • software

    Ups-Irit System #2 For Track1: Kmeans+Select

    We run a k-means (k=100 clusters, L2 norm) on the baseline MFCCs (static, first and second derivative, 39-d) that are ZCA whitened on a per-file basis. We then re-estimate the...
  • software

    egeldenhuys/raptor: Prototype

    Proof of concept for Forensic Detection of Rogue Access Points using Beacon Frame Hashes
  • software


    Concatenate multiple ANTs warping fields using ComposeMultiTransform. For instance if you have - Warping field: anatomical to MNI template - Affine matrix: Diffusion to...
  • dataset


    Explanations for datafile "Microsatellite data.xls" This datafile contains microsatellite genotype information of Mastomys natalensis. General comment: "-9" describes a...
  • dataset

    Data from "A multi-frequency ALMA characterization of substructures in the G...

    Image cubes, self-calibrated visibilities, and self-calibration and imaging scripts for data associated with Huang et al., 2020, "A multi-frequency ALMA characterization of...
  • dataset

    Supplementary material for the paper: Application of Time-Averaged and Integr...

    Supplementary material for the paper: Application of Time-Averaged and Integral-Based Measure for Measurement Results Variability Reduction in GSM/DCS/UMTS Systems
  • dataset

    IODP Expedition 362 Piece log

    Dataset includes length data for every whole-round piece: bin length, whole-round piece length (measured by curation staff), and both the archive- and working-half piece lengths...
  • dataset

    Experimental data

    Experimental data used in the following research paper, which presents a minimally invasive wearable muscle sensing device consisting of jogging leggings, with embroidered...
  • dataset


    Deutsch - Die Daten umfassen: Verkehrszonen als Shape- und GeoPackage (GPKG)-Dateien (siehe Verkehrszonen_Schweiz_NPVM_2010.zip für die Zonen in der Schweiz...
  • dataset

    Una fabbrica per trasformare i rifiuti in plastica biodegradabile

    Produrre platica biodegradabile dai rifiuti organici. Sembra il sogno più spinto di ogni ambientalista, è invece una realtà che già esiste. Al momento in Italia la...