579 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Groups: ZENODO Tags: Biotechnology Neuroscience

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    Fast Ion Transport in the Quasi-Single Helical Reversed-Field Pinch Raw Figur...

    The raw figure data is in a .xls or .xslx file. Each figure or sub-figure is denoted by sheet title in the .xls file. For 2D data plots, the data for the x-array, y-array,...
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    AMSR-2 data for Pyresample quicklook documentation

    GCOM-W1 AMSR 2 data downloaded from Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).    
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    Raw Target Pixel Files For Trappist-1 From K2 Campaign 19

    The Kepler spacecraft observed the TRAPPIST-1 system from Sep 7th through Sep 26th, 2018, as part of its K2 Campaign 19.  To help scientists explore these data...
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    D&H atlas volumes of interest for baboon PET studies

    Standardized VOIs (volumes of interest) for various structures in the "dh68" coordinate space. dh68 refers to the 1968 Davis and Huffman photomicrographic atlas of the baboon...
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    Dataset of FT 40 Anonymous (11) 4-key fagottino containing detailed external and internal measurements, photos, and an endoscopic video. 
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    Wp6 Sia Model Matrix Dataset

    There is no single right answer as to which model might be most appropriate for assessing the impact of Maker initiatives. Instead, we discuss the different parameters that are...
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    Photos D'Un Pêcheur De Crevettes

    Photos d'un pêcheur de crevette sur la plage du Portel. Les photos ont été prises lors d'une sortie d'observation le 12 octobre 2017.
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    Sample raw images from thermo-electrically cooled CCD

    Bias, dark, flat and science images taken at the Paul P. Feder Observatory at Minnesota State University Moorhead Regional Science Center and...
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    Supplementary data for A. Mikheenko, A. Prjibelski, V. Saveliev, D. Antipov, A. Gurevich. Versatile genome assembly evaluation with QUAST-LG. ISMB 2018...
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    A short interview conducted by the researcher, Alexander Hayes, PhD Candidate at the University of Wollongong with Steven Mautone, Google Glass Explorer regarding the phenomenon...
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    data set for control and drug treated group zebrafish larvae

    The data includes all the required information for swimming speed, head and tail angle, forces and power and all the other information that can be calculated with the above...
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    PR interval genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 50 loci associat...

    Introduction These are the Summary Level-data as presented in: "PR interval genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 50 loci associated with atrial and...
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    IO Islamic 3058. A succinct chronological list of all the rulers of the world
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    The Study of the Useless

    “The old-fashioned political economist adored, as alone capable of redeeming the human race, the glorious principle of individual greed, although, as this principle requires for...
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    Matrices for well-conditioned biorthogonal spline wavelet bases on the interval

    Refinement matrices for the wavelet bases described in Chapter 2 of the thesis "Adaptive tensor product wavelet methods for solving PDEs" (T.J. Dijkema, 2009). Each...
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    Ondřejov Dataset

    Ondřejov dataset contains 12936 labelled stellar spectra from Ondřejov CCD700 archive. The spectra were observed with Ondřejov Perek 2m Telescope. Code used for...
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    Video of mobbing behavior by coral-reef fishes

    Video of mobbing behavior by coral-reef fishes from article in CORAL, "Trophic Mobbing in Fishes".  1. A school of Convict Tang, Acanthurus triostegus mobbing the territory of...
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    [Annotated corpus/guidelines/dataset] First version of the Part-of-Speech annotations in the Spanish Clinical Case Corpus that have been carried out by means of the Spanish...
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    Labordynamicsinstitute/Rampnoise: Code For Multiplicative Noise Infusion

    First proposed by Evans, Zayatz and Slanta (1998), multiplicative input noise infusion is used as a disclosure-avoidance measure. See also our implementation in the Quarterly...
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    Fmr1 Iso-Seq: Per Sample Intermediate Files

    FMR1 premutation carriers (55-200 CGG repeats) are at risk for developing Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS), an adult onset neurodegenerative disorder. In...