19 items found

Organisations: RISIS2OpenData Tags: Biochemistry Biotechnology Evolutionary Biology Inorganic Chemistry Molecular Biology Pharmacology Groups: ZENODO Types: publication

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    A major bottleneck for the exploitation of data from the Kepler mission for stellar astrophysics and exoplanet research has been the lack of precise radii and evolutionary...
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    Biohacking in Africa: A Tool for Justice, Empowerment, and Development

    SOHA project evidences on: obstacles to the adoption of Open Science in Haiti and Africa Panel on Inclusion and Diversity MIT-MediaLab 22 – 24 september 2017
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    Renormalization-Group Equations Of Neutrino Masses And Flavor Mixing Paramete...

    We apply the general idea of renormalization-group equations (RGEs) to understand how neutrino masses and flavor mixing parameters evolve when neutrinos propagate in a medium....
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    Coordination Office for WCRP Regional Activities

    The Coordination Office for WCRP regional activities is a new initiative of the World Climate Research Programme which has 3 goals: (i)  stimulate cross-regional collaborations...
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    We consider the effect of neutrino spin oscillations νLe⇔νRe engendered by the neutrino weak interaction with the transversal matter current...
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    Langkah dan program untuk memperkokoh ideologi negara berbasis kearifan lokal adalah (1)  melakukan mapping identitas lokal (local identity mapping), (2) internalisasi dan...
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    Biological and chemical control of ochratoxigenic fungi in vineyards

    Aspergillus carbonarius is an important plant pathogen that affects the vine cultivation causing sour rot in grapes and producing ochratoxin A (OTA), a mycotoxin with...
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    Preliminary study on the foraminiferal assemblages from the MEDWAVES cruise

    Poster presentation at ATLAS 3rd General Assembly.   A total of 996 foraminiferal specimens corresponding to 23 planktonic species (934 individuals) and 45 benthic species (62...
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    QGIS - A SPARQLing Unicorn? Eine Einführung in Linked Open Geodata zur Integr...

    Die Linked Open Data Cloud bietet seit vielen Jahren große Datenrepositorien im WWW an, die für verschiedene Zwecke von unterschiedlichen Communities genutzt werden können. Die...
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    Policy Brief: Strategi E-Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Apakah Masih Relevan?

    Sistem pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia yang holistik dan mengikuti perkembangan zaman masih menjadi pekerjaan besar yang perlu dibenahi baik oleh Pemerintah maupun masyarakat...
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    Membangun Semangat Nasionalisme Pemuda Posmodern Dengan Spirit Agama Dan Budaya

    Ada lima prinsip nasionalisme dalam semangat dan kejiwaan bangsa: (1) kesatuan (unity) dalam wilayah teritorial, bangsa, bahasa, ideologi, dan doktrin kenegaraan, sistem politik...
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    Genderopen - Ein Repositorium Für Die Geschlechterforschung

    Projektbeschreibung: GenderOpen – Ein Repositorium für die Geschlechterforschung DFG-Projekt "GenderOpen", Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien (ZtG) an der...
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    Single-Source-Publishing für alle: Anpassung des métopes-Systems an projektsp...

    Elektronisches Publizieren ermöglicht, dass Inhalte in unterschiedlichen Formaten für unterschiedliche Endgeräte angeboten werden können. Neben einer PDF-Version könnten dies...
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    quoteSalute - Schöner Grüßen mit offenen Forschungsdaten

    »Leben Sie recht wohl und erfreuen Sie uns von Zeit zu Zeit mit Nachrichten von Ihren Geschäfften und Unternehmungen.« Von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Weimar, den [30. Januar...
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    SuperNEMO is a tracker-calorimeter neutrinoless double beta decay experiment using 82Se to reach a sensitivity of T${1/2} > 10^{26} y,andtheeffectiveneutrinomassof\langle...
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    Ciclo biológico de Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) ...

    Xylella fastidiosa (Wells et al.) es una bacteria transmitida por insectos vectores que se alimentan de xilema, comúnmente llamados “cigarrillas” (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha). La...
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    Commissioning And Characterization Of The Tritium Gas Circulation System Of T...

    The KATRIN (Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino) experiment aims to measure the mass of the electron anti-neutrino...
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    Most of the diseases associated to the insect-transmitted bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) have been described in North and South America, but in the last five years widespread...
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    Die Regulation der Pyruvatdecarboxylasen aus den Schlauchpilzen Kluyveromyces...

    Doktorarbeit Biochemie: Die Regulation der Pyruvatdecarboxylasen aus den Schlauchpilzen Kluyveromyces lactis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae und Neurospora crassa PhD thesis...