33 items found


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    Unlocking Firm Level Productivity and Promoting More Inclusive Growth : The R...

    Rapid and consistent economic growth of Ethiopia over the past decade has contributed to reducing the number of people living in poverty. The Government...
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    Financing Business Innovation : Review of External Sources of Funding for Inn...

    Innovation is the main driver of long-term economic growth. The accumulation of capital, whether in the form of physical assets such as plants and...
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    Catching Up to the Technological Frontier? : Understanding Firm-level Innovat...

    Kenya s economy has undergone a significant process of structural transformation over the last decade. Since 2002, the economy has shown an...
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    The Additionality Impact of a Matching Grant Program for Small Firms: Experim...

    Matching grants are one of the most common types of private sector development programs used in developing countries. But government subsidies to private...
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    Are Jordan and Tunisia's Exports Becoming More Technologically Sophisticated?...

    There is a growing consensus that what you export matters for growth (see for instance, Haussman and al. 2007 and Krishna and Maloney (2011)). This paper examines whether and to...
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    Green growth, technology and innovation

    The paper explores existing patterns of green innovation and presents an overview of green innovation policies for developing countries. The key...
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    From Technological Catch-up to Innovation : The Future of China’s GDP Growth

    This report stats that income gaps among countries are largely explained by differences in productivity. By raising the capital/labor ratio and rapidly...
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    Building Science, Technology, and Innovation Capacity in Rwanda : Developing ...

    The purpose of this report is to show how development issues and policy initiatives shaped the design and structure of the science, technology, and...
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    Using Locational Data from Mobile Phones to Enhance the Science of Delivery

    The objective of this report is to examine the potential of locational data for the 'science of delivery' in the field of development. The...
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    Bulgaria - Investment Climate Assessment : Volume 2. Detailed Report

    Sustained improvements in living standards depend on broad-based economic growth. This will only take place when firms improve worker productivity by...
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    Korea and the BICs (Brazil, India and China) : Catching Up Experiences

    This paper tests a neo-Schumpeterian model with industry-level data to analyze how Brazil, India, and China are catching up with South Korea s...
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    Transforming Arab Economies : Traveling Knowledge and Innovation Road, Overview

    Over the past decade, some countries of the Middle East and North Africa region have spurred economic growth and improved their global competitiveness by...
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    Biotechnology Innovation for Inclusive Growth : A Study of Indian Policies to...

    This paper describes and analyzes a series of complementary policy initiatives in India to adapt and commercialize existing global biotechnologies to...
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    Russian Federation - Export Diversification through Competition and Innovatio...

    Russia's exports became further dominated by petroleum and natural gas over the last decade. The sector experienced double-digit annual export growth in...
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    Unleashing India's Innovation : Toward Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

    India's recent growth has been impressive, with real GDP rising by over eight percent a year since 2004 -- accompanied by a jump in innovative...
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    Western Balkans Regional R&D Strategy for Innovation

    A coordinated effort to develop a regional research and development (R and D) strategy for innovation was launched by the Joint Statement of Sarajevo,...
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    Innovation for Development and the Role of Government : A Perspective from th...

    This book is the result of a joint forum on 'innovation for development' held by the World Bank and the China-based Asia-Pacific Finance and...
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    Turkey - National Innovation and Technology System : Recent Progress and Ongo...

    In January 2008, the Turkish Government requested the World Bank to jointly undertake an assessment of its National Innovation System (NIS) in order to...
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    Finland as a Knowledge Economy 2.0 : Lessons on Policies and Governance

    The technology and innovation landscape has changed considerably since 2006 when Finland as a Knowledge Economy: Elements of Success and Lessons Learned...
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    Promoting Enterprise-led Innovation in China

    China has made remarkable gains in industrialization and development. Over the past three decades, it has maintained gross domestic product (GDP)...