52 items found

Groups: Open Access Tags: 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified ACM.Data_FILES Ecology Evolutionary Biology Pharmacology Science Policy

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  • dataset


    This ZIP file contains multiple files of data, including data associated with the playback experiments, generalized linear mixed models, fastsimcoal demography, and STRUCTURE.
  • dataset

    Information to potential mating groups used to characterize mating system of ...

    Tab-delimited file. Column headers are described and explained in the ReadMe file.
  • dataset


    All included files are described in README.txt file attached.
  • dataset

    Raw genotyping data, pre-analyzed genotyping data, phenotyping data and covar...

    This file corresponds to raw genotyping data before imputation of missing data, genotype assignation after classification, phenotype data and covariates. Each line corresponds...
  • dataset


    Header file for DIY ABC analysis C.
  • dataset

    Tree files MEGA

    Tree files MEGA
  • dataset


    A zip file containing two data files plus a third text file containing descriptions of the data files. See file "File annotations.txt" included int the archive for more...
  • dataset


    Detailed descriptions of all data files are given in the ReadMe file.
  • dataset


    Header file for DIY ABC analysis A.
  • dataset


    Header file for DIY ABC analysis D.
  • dataset

    Jesch.et.al-Resource partitioning

    This data file has the required data and code to create all figures and tables in Jesch et al. Journal of Ecology. Read me files for each dataset are also included.
  • dataset


    The zip file contains 5 data files (described in detail in the README text file). These include the raw tracked points (in the x- and y-directions) for hawkmoth and flower...
  • dataset


    data file for analysis of resistance (= proportion infected individuals); text file with column headers; further details see Materials and methods in the paper
  • dataset


    Header file for DIY ABC analysis B.
  • dataset

    File S2. PBW trees and output

    File S2. This file contains the trees for all analyses of the PBW dataset, as well as the resulting PAUP* output. Individual files are described in the readme within the zip file.
  • dataset


    Please see README file for descriptions of all included files.
  • dataset


    This .dbf file supports the Curlew .shp file.
  • dataset


    Detailed descriptions of all files are given in the ReadMe file attached to Competitions.csv
  • dataset

    Metadata file

    A metadata file describing the contents of the data. There are six data files in total associated with this dataset. This metadata file provides background information on each...
  • dataset

    RSBL-2016-0258 data for DRYAD

    All data presented in this ms. Details are given in the "metadata" sheet in the Excel file.