43 items found

Types: software Groups: Open Access Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified Space Science

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  • software


    Measurement and Analysis scripts used in "A ballistic graphene superconducting microwave circuit"
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  • software


    This is the accompanying simulation source code for the paper. This Python package is meant as a convenience layer for the underlying QuTiP to get our readers started in doing...
  • software


    This is an R package for causal and correlative time series analysis with hidden layers, using linear stochastic differential equations. The project's Github page is...
  • software


    FLEXPART is a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model for atmospheric tracer transport. Its main version is hosted and documented at https://www.flexpart.eu/. The CTM Version is...
  • software


    The supplementary materials here contain Jupyter notebooks (Python 3) to reproduce figures in the APAP C-like paper (Mao et al. A&A accepted, arXiv:1912.08466). The notebooks...
  • software


    Python notebooks containing all the analysis code used in the publication in ACP, "An update on global atmospheric ice estimates from observations and reanalyses" by David Ian...
  • software


    This is the code used to make the diagrams for the paper "CHNOSZ: Thermodynamic calculations and diagrams for geochemistry". This code depends on CHNOSZ version 1.3.2. Testing...
  • software


    Usage: ./filter_fasta.py [path to input dir] [path to accepted taxon list]. Input files are expected to be in fasta format. The script will traverse all files in the input dir,...
  • software


    The MitoA analyser is an easy-to-use GUI-based morphological quantification tool that enables biologists to analyse and compare different samples of segmented mitochondria...
  • software


    This file contains all the scripts and formated data that were used for the ms entitled "The quiescent X, the replicative Y and the Autosomes" by Achaz et al. The biorxiv...
  • software


    This release contains the basic code with exemplary data from South Africa
  • software


    This code solves the Elder problem, a benchmark problem for buoyancy driven flows in porous media, using a pseudo-spectral method. A description of the governing equations, the...
  • software


    Code and data for "An Efficient Representation-based Subspace Clustering Framework for Polarized Hyperspectral Images"
  • software


    TIMS is an OMICS based clinical data management open-source software that curates study-related clinical information, manages the raw processing of diverse OMICS datasets to a...
  • software


    This artifact contains a Docker image with all sources and benchmarks used in our ICFP 2018 paper "Capturing the Future by Replaying the Past."
  • software


    GRMHD_con2prim is a general-purpose framework that comes with various methods for the recovery of primitive variables from conservative variables in general-relativistic...
  • software


    SmartPLS 3.2.9 Professional Full Version This Is A Portable Form Of SmartPLS 3.2.9 Professional Full Version No Need To Install, Instantly Used To Download Portable SmartPLS...
  • software


    # Academic Writing Platform (2/1/19) Version: 0.0.1:02-01-2019 ## Introduction The purpose of this folder and these files are to release a distribution of tectonic that can be...
  • software


    SUEWS 2018b Release with sample input data enclosed. The instructions for model can be found in the  SUEWS documentation site.