599 items found

Types: software Groups: Open Access

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  • software


    This R code was written by Emir Toker to support a study which includes some application about Pantanal basin and soil moisture data. The code can be used to treat with NetCDF...
  • software


    "Blaster" is a Microsoft Windows-based sequence processing and analysis tool that provides simple and intuitive graphical user interface to some of the most common tools for...
  • software


    These are MatLab scripts and data supporting the paper  "Detecting causality signal in instrumental measurements and climate model simulations: global warming case study" by...
  • software


    This project is non-funded and completely voluntary. The main idea behind this is to bridge the gap between the remote sensing technology associated automation and individuals...
  • software


    The project evaluates three viral social media events about United Airlines and compares the events to the company's stock value. 
  • software


    Abstract (our paper) There has been growing interest in leveraging Web-based social and communication technologies for better crisis response. How might the Web platforms be...
  • software

    Problem instance generator for the article "Evolutionary Methods for the Scor...

    C++ program to generate problem instances used in the article "Evolutionary for the Score-Constrained Packing Problem".
  • software


    This is the accompanying simulation source code for the paper. This Python package is meant as a convenience layer for the underlying QuTiP to get our readers started in doing...
  • software


    The source code for the exact version of MetROMS-iceshelf used in the paper submitted to Geoscientific Model Development, manuscript number gmd-2017-268.
  • software


    The experimental task that has been used to collect the data for "Frequency-tagged visual evoked responses track syllable effects in visual word recognition". The task allows...
  • software


    In complex graphical representations, the relevant information for a specific task is often distributed across multiple spatial locations. In such situations, understanding the...
  • software


    Postman Examples for updating data in the BBMRI-ERIC Directory.
  • software


    Material Point Method code developed by Geonalise Group at Civil Engineering Department of Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
  • software


    This Python package is a collection of three methods for computing unstable periodic orbits in Hamiltonian systems that model a diverse array of problems in physical sciences...
  • software

    QC script for cleaning raw Illumina data

    This script was used to filter low quality reads from the raw Illumina data.
  • software


    This utility sorts and (optionally) filters the rows/variants of a VCF file (containing data for 2 or more samples) based on the differences in the variant data between samples...
  • software


    This repository contains lattice-gas Monte Carlo simulation data and supporting code for the paper "Lattice-Geometry Effects in Garnet Solid Electrolytes: A Lattice-Gas Monte...
  • software


    There is abundance of digitised texts available in Sanskrit. However, the word segmentation task in such texts are challenging due to the issue of Sandhi. In Sandhi, words in a...
  • software


    ESOC soil C model. Version used for CMIP Long Term Bare Fallow study (Sylvie Recous, Roberta Farina). This version has not been published previously elsewhere. It is related and...
  • software


    Artifact for the PLDI 2019 paper "Argosy: Verifying layered storage systems with recovery refinement". The artifact README.html are the instructions the artifact evaluation...