163 items found

Types: dataset Groups: Open Access Tags: Climate Change

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    Donelson et al. Evol Appl data

    Data file containing the means and standard errors of reproductive data used in "Transgenerational plasticity of reproduction depends on on rate of warming across generations".
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    Structure infile

    File contains input data file for Structure analysis. In first column is sample ID (nz=New Zealand, uk=United Kingdom, mc=Macreas flat, t=Twizel, ml=Molesworth, p=Palemrston, A=...
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    Input file to MrBayes for analysing the partial dataset, using Mictotus as an outgroup
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    Seedling Harvest Data

    This datafile includes the seedling harvest data in support of this publication. Datafile combines data from two experimental subgroups and all harvest time periods.
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    This zip file contains all of the required R.code to run the WGCNA analysis used to identify the UPRmt of O. faveolata.
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    Raw mass spec files from differentially expressed proteins of Sydney rock oys...

    Tryptic peptides were analysed by reversed phase nanoflow liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) on an QExactive mass spectrometer (Thermo scientific, CA,...
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    This is a tab-delimited text file containing the nuclear marker genotypes at 9 microsatellite markers and 3 coding genes for 409 Radix snails from the core and extended...
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    data files for the four parasitism assays (20 v. 25C; 27/23 & 29/25 v. 20C; Endogenous resistance; and X-type+HD assays
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    Reciprocal transplant data
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    Includes fasta sequence files, microsatellite genotype files, as well as other input files
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    File includes inputs and outputs of the MKprf tests (Bustamante et al. 2002).
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    Input file to BEAST, for analysing the partial dataset using a mutation rate of 50 % per million years
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    Raw genomic data (Allie's Valley)

    Raw genomic RadSeq data from individuals in the Allie's Valley population. This zip archive contains 8 gzip compressed fastq files.
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    includes data on % percentage coral cover of Seriatopora corals at each site at Scott Reef
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    Tree by tree environmental data for Abies alba samples.
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    Text document containing scripts used to process Illumina sequences, from raw reads to a vcf file
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    Variation in trends of consumption based carbon accounts

    The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) requires the annual reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. These inventories focus on emissions within a...
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    Residual phenotypic data for the totem field (Vancouver) common garden trial. There are about 100 more seedlings in the raw data than the residual data because the residual data...
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    Raw genomic RadSeq data from individuals in the Lake Kenibuna population. This zip archive contains 8 gzip compressed fastq files.