47,641 items found

Groups: Open Access Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Sociology

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    MOESM2 of New hemostatic device for grade IV–V liver injury in porcine model:...

    Additional file 2. Video 2: Stellate shape device inflicting the liver injury
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    Spuriousness of subgroup analyses, based on Sun et al. (2010).
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    Indicators for evaluation of the psychometric properties of the instruments separated for each sex and country.
  • dataset

    Top-10 features for each category, as well as the sign (positive or negative)...

    Top-10 features for each category, as well as the sign (positive or negative) of their Pearson’s correlation with the outcome variable (having financial trouble or not).
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    Stepwise regression model for individual, employment-related and psychosocial factors and likelihood of commuter walking.
  • dataset

    Socio-demographic characteristics of study participants, by sex.

    Tomsk, Russian Federation. n = 196.
  • dataset

    Ql188 Ins-19(Tm5155) | 2012-10-23T10:42:49+01:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset


    Galaxy workflow file (json data format) for WTS data processing, it can be imported to another Galaxy server. (GA 23Â kb)
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    Additional file 1. Questionnaires used in the study. Appendix 1a is questionnaire for children and appendix 1b for mothers. These questionnaires were solely developed for this...
  • dataset


    This file contains data on size, condition, coloration, dominance, and spawning for the males described in the paper by Johnson and Fuller. The data are listed here in a paired...
  • dataset

    Vc1309 Nlp-8(Ok1799)I | 2010-03-18T10:55:40+00:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    Rb873 Lig-4(Ok716)Iii | 2011-08-31T15:49:00+01:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    Number of samples for each sampling interval.

    Number of samples for each sampling interval.
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    Illustrative statements on use of ZamCAT referral system.

    Illustrative statements on use of ZamCAT referral system.
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    Geophysical evidence strongly supports the complete isolation of India and Madagascar (Indo-Madagascar) by ∼100 million years ago, though sparse terrestrial fossil records from...
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    The cultivable autochthonous microbiota of the critically endangered Northern...

    The critically endangered Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) is a migratory bird that became extinct in Europe centuries ago. Since 2014, the Northern bald ibis is subject...
  • dataset

    Magnitude of factors related to serum 25OHD values derived by regression<sup>...

    Magnitude of factors related to serum 25OHD values derived by regression1.
  • dataset

    Aq2197 Ser-5(Tm2654)I | 2009-12-17T12:08:41+00:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...
  • dataset

    Ow949 Zgis125[P(Dat-1)::Alpha-Synuclein::Yfp] | 2014-02-26T10:22:48+01:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org...
  • dataset

    N2 Schafer Lab N2 (Bristol, Uk) | 2015-11-13T15:11:21+00:00

    This experiment is part of the C.elegans behavioural database. For more information and the complete collection of experiments visit http://movement.openworm.org preview...