51 items found

Licenses: License Not Specified Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Developmental Biology Science Policy Groups: Open Access Types: software

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  • software


    This is a beta release of the CSSD2019 course materials.
  • software


    Source code for processing scripts.
  • software


    Meshless/meshfree methods are cutting-edge numerical methods for numerical modeling, which unlike other mesh-based algorithms, do not require a structured grid/elements in the...
  • software


    gitflower allows you to fetch files from different git repositories into one common file structure. This enables you to produce single files ("workflow descriptions"), which...
  • software


    This project is non-funded and completely voluntary. The main idea behind this is to bridge the gap between the remote sensing technology associated automation and individuals...
  • software


    Tool for the determination of simultaneity factors in PEV charging processes
  • software


    See the improved changelog-detailed.md for a detailed list of semantic changes in the EDAM ontology. Summary of changes 20 formats added (listed in changelog-detailed.md)...
  • software


    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'Code generation for generally mapped finite elements'. The Firedrake components and dependencies used were:...
  • software


    This repository contains codes for grey-box identification of nonlinear dynamical systems using TensorFlow and Keras. The core components are a set of custom Keras layers. The...
  • software


    Usage: ./filter_fasta.py [path to input dir] [path to accepted taxon list]. Input files are expected to be in fasta format. The script will traverse all files in the input dir,...
  • software


    The artifact for Staged Abstract Interpreters (OOPSLA 2019).
  • software


    SMPS toolkit is a handy tool (Igor Pro based) to process SMPS data exported by TSI AIM software. Multiple files (*.csv; *.txt) can be imported at one time and then generate...
  • software


    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'Goal-Oriented Error Estimation and Mesh Adaptation for Shallow Water Modelling'. The Firedrake components and...
  • software


    The bundle contains the Jupiter notebooks corresponding to the pages of the well known OpenCV-Python Tutorials...
  • software


    This file or directory contains supplementary material (code) for Chapter 7 in 'Modeling excitable tissue - the EMI framework' by A. P. Buccino, M. Kutcha, J. Schreiner, and K....
  • software


    Python script used to pre-process raw sequencing reads. Calls on three data files: 2 raw sequencing read files in FastA format ("X.TCA.454Reads.fna"), and "barcodeIDs.txt"
  • software


    COMPOSITION EU Project's Collaborative Manufacturing Services Ontology version 2 aims to describe both manufacturing domain and collaboration scemes between business entities...
  • software


    Real Time Twitter Dashboarding Tool Tool that takes a word as input from the user and dashboards information about tweets containing the word in real time. Motivation I...
  • software


    VarMeR – a Variability Mechanisms Recommender – promotes representing and comparing software behaviors for reuse and maintenance purposes. It further recommends on...
  • software

    Supplementary material for datapaper "NFIWADS: The water budget, soil moistur...

    The supplementary material contains the input datasets, R-packages and R-scripts that were used to create NFIWADS database files described in the datapaper "NFIWADS: The water...