384 items found

Groups: Open Access ZENODO Tags: Biophysics Pharmacology Plant Biology

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    Fast Ion Transport in the Quasi-Single Helical Reversed-Field Pinch Raw Figur...

    The raw figure data is in a .xls or .xslx file. Each figure or sub-figure is denoted by sheet title in the .xls file. For 2D data plots, the data for the x-array, y-array,...
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    Base De Datos Con Análisis De Abstracts Extraídos De Wos, Scopus, Y Scielo Re...

    Base de datos con análisis de abstracts extraídos de WoS, Scopus, y SciELO referentes al tratamiento periodístico de la crisis migratoria entre 2015 y 2018...
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    Test set for geodesics

    This is a set of 500000 geodesics for the WGS84 ellipsoid; this is an ellipsoid of revolution with equatorial radius a = 6378137 m and flattening f = 1/298.257223563. Each...
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    Jeu de glisser-déposer sur la recherche documentaire

    L’équipe de la BU Médecine avait envie de consolider les connaissances des doctorants formés et en même temps de vérifier leurs...
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    Precipitation of totalizer gauges in Wägital catchment, status 2016-04-27

    Precipitation [mm] of totalizer gauges in Wägital catchment, Switzerland, for the hydrological year, measured in half-year resolution. This dataset includes the following...
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    Programa Saúde na Escola, indicadores municipais de saúde e perfil municipal

    Banco de dados desenvolvido para a tese de doutorado intitulada "Efeitos do Programa Saúde na Escola em indicadores municipais de saúde", apresentada ao...
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    Supplementary data for A. Mikheenko, A. Prjibelski, V. Saveliev, D. Antipov, A. Gurevich. Versatile genome assembly evaluation with QUAST-LG. ISMB 2018...
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    This experiment is part of the Bright field pheromone imaging dataset for the following publication: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/11/01/398370 strain : DA609...
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    Instrumento de pesquisa para descrição de podcast

    Instrumento de pesquisa construído no software Evernote para coleta de dados da dissertação intitulada Gestão de acervos audiovisuais em...
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    Drone-Vehicle Routing Problem Instances

    The following instances are originally presented in the (soon to be published) paper A large Neighborhood Search Heuristic for the Drone-Vehicle Routing Problem, written by...
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    Matrices for well-conditioned biorthogonal spline wavelet bases on the interval

    Refinement matrices for the wavelet bases described in Chapter 2 of the thesis "Adaptive tensor product wavelet methods for solving PDEs" (T.J. Dijkema, 2009). Each...
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    Supplementary Videos (S1-S8)

    File name: Supplementary Video S1 File format: .MOV Title of data: AMF colonization, LAT scan Description of data: LAT scan of maize (Zea mays) root segment colonized with...
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    Ondřejov Dataset

    Ondřejov dataset contains 12936 labelled stellar spectra from Ondřejov CCD700 archive. The spectra were observed with Ondřejov Perek 2m Telescope. Code used for...
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    Monitoring data from implementation phase

    WP6 collected qualitative and quantitative information and data in order to monitor the implementation of the measures of the 11 URBANWASTE pilot cases. Data and information...
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    Data showcase papers published in the Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conf...

    Data regarding data showcase papers published in the Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conference. The following data files are included. strong_citation_table.csv: SWEBOK...
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    anatomical measurement of cervical lateral mass for cervical pedicle screw an...

    The anatomical pedicle transverse angle (PTA) and linear parameters of the lateral mass were measured, and the relationship between the calculated angles and the anatomical PTA...
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    Tablas de frecuencias. Acciones de difusión de proyectos de investigación del...

    Tablas de frecuencias.  Comunicación científica en el espacio digital. Acciones de difusión de proyectos de investigación del programa H2020 a...
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    This experiment is part of the Bright field standard swarming imaging dataset for the following publication: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/11/01/398370...
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    Finca Los Escuderos: caso de estudio de almendro de secano

    El grupo de Conservación de Suelos y Aguas del CEBAS-CSIC presenta el caso de estudio 1 del proyecto Diverfarming. En este caso de estudio transformamos un agrosistema de secano...
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    Aalto-1/RADMON data set 2017/2018

    General information: For a description of the Aalto-1 mission, see Kestilä et al. (2013) and Praks et al. (2018) For the RADMON instrument and its calibration, see...