52 items found

Groups: Open Access ZENODO Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Cancer Plant Biology Science Policy

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    Underlying data for the paper Nickschick, T., Flechsig, C., Mrlina, J., Oppermann, F., Löbig, F. & Günther, T. (2019): Large-scale electrical resistivity...
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    Sample FITS file with non-linear wavelength solution using a linear spline model

    This file was wavelength calibrated using IRAF and written to a FITS file using a non-linear wavelength solution using a linear spline model. This data is in its original shape.
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    Data archive associated with "Landscape age as a major control on the geograp...

    (1) Table including parameter values and weathering model outputs associated with NASGLP sampling locations (SLP_data.csv).  (2) List of rivers used for calibrating...
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    MeSCCon - Medical Spanish Chemical compound, drug and medication Name Lexicon...

    The MeSCCon (Medical Spanish Chemical compound, drug and medication Name Lexicon) consists of a list or gazetteer of candidate names of chemicals, drugs, and medications...
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    Sample FITS file with non-linear wavelength solution using a Chebyshev model

    This file was wavelength calibrated using IRAF and written to a FITS file using a non-linear wavelength solution using a Chebyshev model. This data is in its original shape.
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    Supplementary Data: MPBoot: Fast phylogenetic maximum parsimony tree inferenc...

    Supplementary Data MPBoot: Fast phylogenetic maximum parsimony tree inference and bootstrap approximation Submitted to BMC Evolutionary Biology This record contains PANDIT...
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    Dataset produced in the context of MONROE-SOMETIME project. Included are results of available bandwidth and achievable throughput experiments using MONROE during 3...
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    EuroparlExtract - Directional Parallel Corpora Extracted from the European Pa...

    This dataset contains directional parallel corpora extracted from the European Parliament Proceedings Corpus (Europarl) v7 created by Philipp Koehn (see...
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    Salt and Water Migration in Mars Duricrust Desiccation Experiments

    Dataset to supplement the manuscript. Includes raw data spetral files in .txt format and a spreadsheet containing measured salt concentrations.
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    The folder includes Fitacf data on 26 August 2018 and hdw file of Jiamusi HF radar.
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    The purpose of this script is to merge a previously compiled list of all Opera Companies in the US with their corresponding IRS 990 or 990EZ data, if available.
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    Additional data

    This repository provides the supplementary R code and data to reproduce the experiments in the following paper : "Highly accurate autonomic diagnosis of papillary thyroid...
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    Excel mapping tools for 2017 zoonoses data reporting

    The main objective of the mapping tool is to provide a simple and useable platform for MSs to map their country-specific standard terminology to that used by EFSA and to enable...
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    The list of hyponym-hypernym pairs was obtained by applying lexical-syntactic patterns described in  Hearst (1992)  on the corpus prepared by Panchenko et al. (2016)....
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    gbif-norway/dataset_uio_nhm_nef_lepidoptera: UiO NHM NEF Lepidoptera dataset ...

    UiO NHM NEF Lepidoptera dataset v1.100 prepared for archiving This dataset included compiled Norwegian Lepidoptera information (65 902 occurrences) by the Norwegian...
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    Blockclust Workflow

    Data is taken from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSM450239.
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    Supporting codes, data, and outputs to identify a type of lithofacies from ro...

    This repository contains the codes and the data used in the study “Interpreting the Subsurface Lithofacies at High Lithological Resolution by Integrating Information from...
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    Blue Mountain Charcoal Project Research Area

    This GEOJSON polygon identifies the area in which Dr. Benjamin Carter (Muhlenberg College) and students have focused their efforts in an attempt to use remote sensing and field...
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    Supplementary Table 1

    Commensal rodent species are key reservoirs for Toxoplasma gondii in the domestic environment. In rodents, different T. gondii strains show variable patterns of virulence...