233 items found

Types: dataset Groups: Open Access ZENODO Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Developmental Biology

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    PubChemLite tier0 and tier1

    PubChemLite is a subset of PubChem (https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) selected from major categories of the Table of Contents page at the PubChem Classification Browser...
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    Database of Russian names, surnames and midnames for gender identification

    Database of names, surnames and midnames across the Russian federation used as source to teach algorithms for gender identification by fullname. Dataset prepared for MongoDB...
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    Reference data to the low-wavenumber Raman spectral database of pharamceutica...

    Supplementary LF-785 and FT-Raman data of all the excipient samples included in the database. More information available in the following...
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    The ID+Stage Prototype

    This video shows function and design of the ID+Stage Prototype. For further information have a look at the project website: www.idpluslab.de
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    Architecture of Pol II(G) and molecular mechanism of transcription regulation...

    This repository contains the modeling files and the analysis related to the article "Architecture of Pol II(G) and molecular mechanism of transcription regulation by...
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    Enumeration Of Williamson Sequences Divisible By 2 Or 3

    These files contain an enumeration of all inequivalent Williamson sequences of orders divisible by 2 or 3 and up to 70 as defined in the paper "Applying Computer...
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    Global Fire Weather Indices - with default and overwintered DC startup

    This dataset was developed by Natural Resources Canada using the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA5-HRS Reanalysis product (C3S, 2017) as inputs to...
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    S6 molecular dynamics simulation trajectories of tubulin in electric field: 1...

    Molecular dynamics simulation trajectories of tubulin in electric field traj_centered_08.xtc 1e8 V/m traj_centered_3_08.xtc  3e8 V/m...
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    This describes the output files for the CIViCmine project. These files are loaded directly by the CIViCmine viewer. The code for this viewer is available in the CIViCmine Github...
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    S17 | KEMIMARKET | KEMI Market List

    This is the collection associated with list S17 KEMIMARKET on the NORMAN Suspect List Exchange. https://www.norman-network.com/nds/SLE/ S17 : KEMIMARKET: KEMI Market List...
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    High Granularity Electromagnetic Shower Images

    This is a limited subset of the data used for training in arXiv:2005.05334. The network architectures and instructions to generate more data are available at here....
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    Libs-Github-Api: Fix "Lines" Mistake — Github Api Reports Bytes, Not Lines

    Correct mistake in several places, including data file and scripts.
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    This describes the output files for the CancerMine project. These files are loaded directly by the CancerMine viewer. The code for this viewer is available in the CancerMine...
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    Trimmed fastq files (original files from PRJNA377625: Berbens et al., 2017)

    Trimmed files from the PRJNA377625. Reads were trimmed to a max length of 120nt (no minimum length).
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    Do logging roads impede small mammal movement in Borneo's tropical rainforests?

    Description: Data from small mammal trap grid adjacent to roads and an associated movement/translocation experiment Project: This dataset was collected as part of the...
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    A data set used to create a typology of smart city apps
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    Frictionless Tabular Data Package for GC-MS Rose scent profile data for Data ...

    This dataset, in the form of a Frictionless Tabular Data Package (https://frictionlessdata.io/specs/tabular-data-package/), holds the measurements of 61 known...
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    Capillary- And Stored-Elastic-Energy-Driven Anisotropic Sub-Grain Coarsening ...

    Further details in the TopologyTracer documentation https://github.com/mkuehbach/TopologyTracer/tree/master/docs/build Further details microstructure synthesis in the...
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    Edward FitzGerald Life and Letters – Overview of all letters

    These files form part of an archive of research material relating to the Life and Letters of Edward FitzGerald.  The data have been compiled by independent researchers W H...
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    Duhumbi Lexicon

    This supplementary material discusses and presents issues related to the Duhumbi lexicon. There are sound files, descriptions, and analysis. There are two descriptive files, one...