76 items found

Groups: figshare Tags: Machine learning

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  • dataset

    Additional file 1 of A Support Vector Machine based method to distinguish lon...

    This file shows the results of the PCA analysis. The sheets are organized by data sets and PCA results. For example, "GRCh37 PCA Explained" contains the explained data for each...
  • dataset


    Variables and formulas. Average payoff of buyer, average payoff of seller, joint payoff, average round and fairness are calculated with the corresponding formulas. (DOCX)
  • dataset

    Additional file 4: File S3. of MicroRNA categorization using sequence motifs ...

    PhyloXML formatted phylogenetic tree: This file can be directly uploaded to Itol or other phylogenetic tree viewers for further analysis. (TXT 7Â kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: of Drug repositioning of herbal compounds via a machine-le...

    Table S3. Detailed prediction results of existing drugs. Table S4. Detailed prediction results of herbal compounds. (XLSX 15 kb)
  • dataset

    Results on MH-KSC algorithm on 7 real-life networks using quality metrics <i>...

    The best results corresponding to each metric for individual networks are highlighted.
  • dataset

    Additional file 2 of A LASSO-derived risk model for long-term mortality in Ch...

    Additional file 2: The risk formula of our model and the demo of use it.
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Detection and prediction of insider threats t...

    Overview of the proposed insider threat detection algorithms. (XLSX 25.6 kb)
  • dataset


    Table S2. Gene candidates selected from three algorithms (XLSX 108 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 10: of CRlncRC: a machine learning-based method for cancer-re...

    Cancer-related lncRNA Papers. (XLSX 326 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Genome-scale MicroRNA target prediction through cluster...

    (Sheet 1) Top 30 selected features; (Sheet 2) Performance comparison; (Sheet 3) Sensitivity Comparison. (XLS 45 kb)
  • dataset

    MOESM1 of Computer vision and machine learning enabled soybean root phenotypi...

    Additional file 1: Video S1. Initiation of germination rolls.
  • dataset

    Additional file 3 of Compressing gene expression data using multiple latent s...

    Neutrophil and Monocyte Gene Sets. Entrez gene IDs and gene symbols for two xCell gene signatures (Neutrophil_HPCA_2 and Monocyte_FANTOM_2). Associated with Fig. 6.
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Explainable statistical learning in public health for p...

    Assessing bias. Figure S1. Plot of standardised predicted values against standardised residuals. Figure S2. Histogram and P-P plot of standardised residuals. (ZIP 91 kb)
  • dataset

    Additional file 7: of A large cohort study identifying a novel prognosis pred...

    Table S6. Stratification of LUAD patients based on the predictive model (XLSX 25 kb)
  • dataset

    Human and Machine Learning in Non-Markovian Decision Making

    Humans can learn under a wide variety of feedback conditions. Reinforcement learning (RL), where a series of rewarded decisions must be made, is a particularly important type of...
  • dataset

    MOESM2 of Classifying publications from the clinical and translational scienc...

    Additional file 2. CTSA article scores: PMIDs for 40634 articles indexed to CTSA grants in PubMed with scores from each of the three classifiers for each PMID.
  • dataset


    This data package contains all images and point annotations used in the present publication. To access the data download all parts, and then merge using the following command in...
  • dataset

    Additional file 3 of Pipeline design to identify key features and classify th...

    1159 key features explored with Regulomedb database that are identified with the top 20 pipelines ranked by CV F1 score. (CSV 31 kb)
  • dataset

    Model Fit Summaries.

    Model Fit Summaries.
  • dataset

    Additional file 2 of Predicting probable Alzheimerâ s disease using linguisti...

    Raw transformed data. These files contain the transformed linguistic features from the DementiaBank dataset and appear in the Comma Separated Values file format. (ZIP 18.4 kb)