35 items found

Groups: figshare Tags: ACM.GeneralLiterature_INTRODUCTORYANDSURVEY Molecular Biology

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  • dataset

    Distance Files

    ASCII files
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of The Korean undiagnosed diseases program: lessons from a...

    Figure S1. Schematic diagram of diagnostic workflow of all patients. (JPG 213 kb)
  • dataset


    Hetnetpy metaedge summary. Network summary of edge and node counts for each gene set collection.
  • dataset

    Additional file 5: of Alu SINE analyses of 3,000-year-old human skeletal rema...

    List of all Alu primers used. The Microsoft Excel file contains all primer sequences that were used in this study. (XLSX 10Â kb)
  • dataset


    A tiny-shell-tutorial use C89 on Linux
  • dataset


    Summary of all files in this Dryad package
  • dataset


    Proteogenomics tutorial input datasets
  • dataset

    Lessons learnt and implemented as a result of the feasibility study.

    Lessons learnt and implemented as a result of the feasibility study.
  • dataset

    TESS input file

    This was the input file used for the TESS analysis; all other parameters used in this study are included in the methods.
  • dataset


    README file; this is a summary of the files in this accession.
  • publication

    Additional file 2: of A synthesis of recent analyses of human resources for h...

    Data extraction tool for peer- and non-peer-reviewed literature. (DOC 32 kb)
  • publication

    Additional file 1 of RUNX2 interacts with BRG1 to target CD44 for promoting i...

    Additional file 1: Table S1. Key resources table. Table S2. RT-qPCR primers.
  • publication


    The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a declarative language describing rules applying to Unified Modeling Language (UML) models and is part of the UML standard. OCL is a...
  • publication


    Additional file 2. : List of the primers used for Chip-qPCR.
  • publication

    Additional file 1: of Extracting DNA words based on the sequence features: no...

    Link of Download.doc. The download links of the data in this manuscript. (DOC 12 kb)
  • publication

    Additional file 1: of Tax incentives and environmental protection: evidence f...

    A schematic model explaining effect of the tax incentives on energy use. (DOC 151Â kb)
  • publication

    Additional file 1: of mORCA: ubiquitous access to life science web services

    State-of-the-art Apps. A PDF file with a full list of apps belonging to the stores of the main mobile platforms, its descriptions, links, and icons. (PDF 1546Â kb)
  • publication


    Keynote given at EDDI19.