166 items found

Groups: figshare Tags: 60506 Virology 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified Developmental Biology Molecular Biology Virology

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    Crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics.

    *Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell.aRmerge = Σh Σi|Ii(h)−<I(h)>/|Σh Σi Ii(h), where I is the observed intensity and <I> is the average intensity...
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    Demographic data

    **P<0.01; SD, standard deviation; Max/Min, maximal/minimal.The number of participants did not differ between genders (Chi-square P>0.05). The dancer and pianist groups...
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    Antibodies used for immunohistochemistry.

    RT = room temperature. *Demasking by boiling (micorowaving) sections in the respective buffer for 15 min.
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    Additional file 1: of Identification of QTLs controlling aroma volatiles usin...

    Frequency of detection of the 148 detected juice volatiles in ‘Fortune’, ‘Murcott’ and the F1 progeny. This file contains a table showing the detection frequency of juice...
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of De novo assembly and an...

    List of annotated unigenes and lists of up-regulated genes and down-regulated genes in chilling-treated samples. (XLS 14564 kb).
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of Evolution of toll-like receptors in the context of terr...

    Giraffe and okapi TLRs coding gene sequences used in the analysis. A text file containing fasta formatted raw nucleotide sequences of giraffe and okapi that were used for all...
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    Additional file 1: of The origin of β-strand bending in globular proteins

    List of PDB codes. The file contains a list of all the PDB codes and protein names used in our study. (TXT 139 kb)
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    Characteristics of patients included in the study.

    CRC, colorectal cancer; NA, not applied. 1Qualitative variables were compared by the Fisher's exact test; continuous variables were compared by the Mann-Whitney U's...
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    MOESM1 of Comparison of anti-malarial drug efficacy in the treatment of uncom...

    Additional file 1. Description of the trials characteristics. The file contains the description within each article in terms of trial characteristics, including the number of...
  • dataset

    Additional file 2: of Distinguishing potential bacteria-tumor associations fr...

    This file is a tab-delimited text file of all TCGA read pairs and their corresponding metadata and bacterial taxonomic assignments. Comments are denoted by a #. Abbreviations...
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    Additional file 2. Histological score according to genotype of cagA in Thai ethnic. The East-Asian-type cagA (n = 47) had significant higher of activity in antrum and body and...
  • dataset

    Additional file 9: of De novo assembly and characterization of breast cancer ...

    Fusion read frequency for 79 breast cancer specific fusion-protein transcripts relative to total reads. Expression for fusion transcripts, as well as, those associated wild-type...
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    Additional file 2: Table S2. of Identification and annotation of conserved pr...

    Table S2A – Locations of FANTOM5 human promoters mapped to the pig genome. Table contains the following columns (left to right): FANTOM5 human promoter ID, Ensembl gene ID...
  • dataset

    Additional file 1: of A generic schema and data collection forms applicable t...

    The data collection forms. This excel document allows users to easily edit and print the data collection forms. The master dictionary is also included with the data collection...
  • dataset

    Additional file 4: of Identification of effector-like proteins in Trichoderma...

    Catalogue of Trichoderma effector candidates. Complete list of the possible effector coding genes from T. virens, T. atroviride and T. reesei that we obtained from our pipeline....
  • dataset

    Additional file 3: of Transcriptome analysis of seed dormancy after rinsing a...

    List of all set of the differentially expressed genes. Summary of all set data and annotated by Swiss-Prot between BR vs 2D4W, BR vs 7D4W and 2D4W vs. 7D4W. (XLSX 15168Â kb)
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    Additional file 2 of The flora phenotype ontology (FLOPO): tool for integrati...

    Annotation of Floras 2. The file contains the manual annotation of Salacia erecta, Andropogon chinensis, Oxalis, and Anisopappus chinensis. The file includes identified...
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    Identification of G-quadruplex structures that possess transcriptional regula...

    Abstract Background G-quadruplex is a DNA secondary structure that has been shown to play an important role in biological systems. In a previous study, we identified 1998...
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    Peptides used in this study.

    NP and M2 peptides used in this study for analysis of immune responses. Amino acids in the challenge virus sequence which differ from the A/PR/8/34 sequence are underlined....