224 items found

Groups: figshare Tags: 59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified Adaptation

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  • dataset

    Selection experiment data

    This file contains adult survival data and juvenile population counts during the course of the selection experiment described in the associated publication. The proportion of...
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    Main SNP file STRUCTURE format

    Dataset of 3764 SNP structure file. Population information included in second column.
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    Uist 2015 Life History qPCR PCA PLINK

    Input PLINK PED and MAP files for Adegenet PCA analysis
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    Zip file containing the data file and R code for the MLPE isolation by distance analyses
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    Genotyping Results

    The results of genetyping all fish included in studies Genetic diversity of the critically endangered lake minnow
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    Pairwise FST Table

    Pairwise population FST calculated by hierfstat. FST values are represented between each cluster (k=3), globally between populations, and between populations within each genetic...
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    Annual estimates of the abundance of squirrels in each of two study areas. Also includes estimates of cone abundance and the proportion of the population born during mast years.
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    Ecological data collected for individuals included in this study
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    See comments in file for explanation. Includes the same data as the other morphological data file but is better explained. Includes Raw and Procrustes Distance co-ordinates.
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    Benefit-cost analysis of adaptation objectives to coastal flooding at the glo...

    This dataset presents results of benefit-cost analyses of different adaptation objectives using grey infrastructure to coastal flooding at the global scale.  The four...
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    Additional file 1: of Genes significantly associated with lineage II food iso...

    List of 176 isolates included in this study and the associated metadata. (XLSX 23 kb)
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    Raw mass spec files from differentially expressed proteins of Sydney rock oys...

    Tryptic peptides were analysed by reversed phase nanoflow liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) on an QExactive mass spectrometer (Thermo scientific, CA,...
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    Largest SNP dataset statistics results from Stacks

    parameters set -m 8 –N 2 –M 4 –n 3 -t. A filtered version of this dataset was used in analysis in paper. This dataset required SNPs occur across 2 populations at 90% to be called.
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    Genotypes for European lines of A. thaliana (Chromosome 1) genotyped at a density of one SNP per kb. These data are used in our tutorial example 2 and supplementary file 2. Data...
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    SNP FST file

    This is the pairwise fst output for individual snps. The non-informative sites have been suppressed, so all the rows are the SNPs that meet the coverage criteria. the columns...
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    Mitochondrial genome annotation Amphiprion frenatus

    Mitochondrial genome annotation for Amphiprion frenatus, in csv format. MitoAnnotator and MitoFish were used to obtain the mitochondrial genome annotation. For more information,...
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    spT BP&P input file 1

    spT BP&P input file 1
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    D. melanogaster median Fst and latitude

    D. melanogaster Fst values for pair-wise population comparisons and the latitude of each population. The analysis of isolation by distance used the median Fst (median.Fst) and...
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    Coding region sequence for at4g25470 (CBF3) for all accessions used in this study.
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    Tajima and Nucleotide Diversity estimates

    Data for Figure 2, Figure 4 Supporting Information (Tajimas' D) and Figure 7 Supporting Information (Nucleotide diversity).