17 items found

Types: software Groups: figshare Tags: Developmental Biology Molecular Biology Science Policy http

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    This is the first public release of the ITCell code, and should match that used by the web server at https://salilab.org/itcell/.
  • software


    This is the first public release of the ITCell code, and should match that used by the web server at https://salilab.org/itcell/.
  • software


    This is the analysis code for our paper at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbagrm.2019.194444 It was used to generate all figures in the article (report directory).
  • software


    voPerson is both a set of recommendations and an ldap attribute schema (object class), intended to provide a common reference point for attribute management within a Virtual...
  • software


    Opportunistically collected photographs can be used to estimate large-scale phenological trends This is the code used the above analysis. The preprint for the manuscript is...
  • software

    Dealii: Deal.Ii Version 8.4.2

    The major changes of this release are: Parallel triangulations can now be partitioned in ways that allow weighting cells differently. Improved support for complex numbers...
  • software


    This records collates DOIs for the software components used in 'Code generation for generally mapped finite elements'. The Firedrake components and dependencies used were:...
  • software

    Wrangling Messy CSV Files by Detecting Row and Type Patterns

    This is the first official release of the code used to create the results of the following paper: van den Burg, G.J.J., Nazábal, A. & Sutton, C. Data Min Knowl...
  • software

    Wikidata-Toolkit RDF diff comparision

    Dateien zur Reproduktion eines Vergleichs zwischen Wikidata-Toolkit und Wikidata RDF-Exporten. Die beiden Dumps, welche verglichen wurden: JSON:...
  • software

    Edamontology/Edamontology: Edam 1.20

    See the improved changelog-detailed.md for a detailed list of semantic changes in the EDAM ontology. Summary of changes 20 formats added (listed in...
  • software

    Polaris: A Separation Logic For Concurrent Randomized Programs

    This is the archived artifact associated with the paper " A Separation Logic for Concurrent Randomized Programs" by Joseph Tassarotti and Robert Harper. The...
  • software

    protaccel Python package

    Source code for https://github.com/pachterlab/GSP_2019. Equivalent to https://pypi.org/project/protaccel/0.301/. Available under the BSD-2-Clause license.
  • software

    voPerson Object Class and Recommendations

    voPerson is both a set of recommendations and an ldap attribute schema (object class), intended to provide a common reference point for attribute management within a Virtual...
  • software

    Optophys/Neurofeedback: Neurofeedback

    Code used in "Real-time detection of neural oscillation bursts allows behaviourally relevant neurofeedback". https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/671602v1
  • software

    formr.org survey framework utility R package

    The accompanying R package for the survey framework formr (see https://github.com/rubenarslan/formr.org and https://formr.org)