169 items found

Types: software Groups: figshare Tags: Biochemistry Biophysics Science Policy

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  • software


    Supplementary material [ActivityDiagramToOcBaseClassDiagramTranslation.pdf] contains the explanation about how we have implemented our overall translation patterns from an...
  • software

    Poly-(3-hexylthiophene) Model and Code for Molecular Dynamic Simulations

    Here we present files necessary for simulating our united-atom poly-(3-hexylthiophene) model in molecular dynamics. The input file "P3HT_Blends.py" acts a wrapper...
  • software

    cwi-swat/jsep-sloc-versus-cc: Scripts and Data used for the Empirical analysi...

    This archive contains a Rascal-MPL Eclipse project used to parse and calculate the metrics for the Java corpus and analyze the metrics from the Java corpus and the C corpus for...
  • software

    Titan Aerosol Models

    Install With pip: $ pip install titan-aerosols Or directly from the source files: $ git clone https://github.com/seignovert/python-titan-aerosols.git $ cd...
  • software


    GenerateAG.m is a short MATLAB script that calculates a restricted generalized inverse AG using input data from an atmospheric photochemistry mechanism. The inverse problem...
  • software


    This folder contains R code for a rule-based Buddhist Sanskrit Segmenter and Lemmatiser, as well as data necessary to use and evaluate the Segmenter and explanatory materials....
  • software

    Smart Citizen Enclosures Archive

    WIP Enclosures for the new Smart Citizen 1.5
  • software

    Mcnet School 2017 Virtual Machine Image

    This is the final version of the virtual machine image used at the 2017 MCnet school in Lund. The user password is: mcnet
  • software

    nfrerebeau/khroma v1.1.0

    ADD: FAO Soil Reference Groups colour scheme ADD: scale_*_bright() method for Paul Tol's bright colour scheme ADD: scale_*_vibrant() method for Paul Tol's vibrant...
  • software


    Enables an evaluation of ontologies in the field of measurement units.
  • software

    SI for "A Computational Study of Structural and Excitonic Properties of Chlor...

    files in chapter * are stored in chapter_* folders note for CTubeGen software in chapter_5 folder A software I developed for generating arbitrary chlorosomal tubes,...
  • software

    Operator Discretization Library (ODL)

    Operator Discretization Library (ODL) is a Python library for fast prototyping focusing on (but not restricted to) inverse problems. The main intent of ODL is to enable...
  • software


    This file contains all the scripts and formated data that were used for the ms entitled "The quiescent X, the replicative Y and the Autosomes" by Achaz et al. The biorxiv...
  • software

    Fine-structure constant measurements and long-range wavelength-scale distorti...

    An updated release, compatible with Google Colaboratory tutorial.
  • software


    This record collates DOIs for the software components used in 'A study of vectorization for matrix-free finite element methods'. The Firedrake components and dependencies used...
  • software

    Code related to the paper: "Analytical expressions for spring constants of c...

    Contains all code needed to recreate the figures in the paper "Analytical expressions for spring constants of capillary bridges and snap-in forces of hydrophobic...
  • software

    Software used in 'The scaling and skewness of optimally transported meshes on...

    This records collates DOIs for the software components used in 'The scaling and skewness of optimally transported meshes on the sphere'. The Firedrake components and...
  • software

    Segmentator v1.3.0

    Segmentator is a free and open-source package for multi-dimensional data exploration and segmentation for 3D images. This application is mainly developed and tested using...
  • software

    Qdyn: A Quasi-Dynamic Earthquake Simulator (V1.1)

    Summary QDYN is a boundary element software package to simulate earthquake cycles (tectonic fault slip) under the quasi-dynamic approximation (quasi-static elasticity with...
  • software

    Maze Solver Algorithm

    Using image processing, it solves the maze image and exact the route for vehicles