221 items found

Groups: figshare ZENODO Tags: 111714 Mental Health Evolutionary Biology

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    AMSR-2 data for Pyresample quicklook documentation

    GCOM-W1 AMSR 2 data downloaded from Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).    
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    Optical spectroscopy supporting Chandra observations of Herbig AeBe stars

    This is optical data taken by AAVSO observers to support Chandra observations of Herbig AeBe stars. The purpose if this data is to check the accretion rate close in time to the...
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    LIBS-wallscanner dataset related to "Scanning laser-induced breakdown spectro...

    This is a LIBS dataset published alongside the thesis in related identifiers. For better description see the thesis publication.
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    High Definition Modular Multilevel Converter (Final Report and Data)

    These are the raw data generated in the 2do Joint Experiments sponsored by IRP Wind EU project
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    BIDS Data for "A Whole-Brain Map and Assay Parameter Analysis of Mouse VTA Do...

    Base data package for the “Multivariate Guide to Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Optogenetic Control of the Mouse VTA” article, formatted corresponding to the Brain...
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    Refit test and example datasets

    Three datasets associated with a publication on the testing and showcasing of new methods to automate refitting of fragmentary objects using 3d scanning and digital data...
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    An Immune System Inspired Theory For Crime And Violence In Cities: Media Summary

    Taxation and death may be inevitable but what about crime? It is ubiquitous and seems to have been around for as long as human beings themselves. A disease we cannot shake....
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    Supplementary data for A. Mikheenko, A. Prjibelski, V. Saveliev, D. Antipov, A. Gurevich. Versatile genome assembly evaluation with QUAST-LG. ISMB 2018...
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    A short interview conducted by the researcher, Alexander Hayes, PhD Candidate at the University of Wollongong with Steven Mautone, Google Glass Explorer regarding the phenomenon...
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    PR interval genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 50 loci associat...

    Introduction These are the Summary Level-data as presented in: "PR interval genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 50 loci associated with atrial and...
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    The Study of the Useless

    “The old-fashioned political economist adored, as alone capable of redeeming the human race, the glorious principle of individual greed, although, as this principle requires for...
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    Binary classification of the Kinshasa and Bandundu provinces in the Democrati...

    This dataset was created based on a settlement layer produced by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory using feature extraction from high-resolution imagery for population...
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    Transient Suppression Of Dbx1 Prebötzinger Interneurons Disrupts Breathing In...

    Interneurons derived from Dbx1-expressing precursors located in the brainstem preBötzinger complex (preBötC) putatively form the core oscillator for inspiratory breathing...
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    Dataset relative to the following publication: Chen, J., Valsecchi, M. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2017). Attention is allocated closely ahead of the target during smooth pursuit...
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    [Lexical/terminological resource] First release of the Spanish Medical Abbreviation DataBase (AbreMES-DB). The database is created automatically by detecting abbreviations and...
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    Video of mobbing behavior by coral-reef fishes

    Video of mobbing behavior by coral-reef fishes from article in CORAL, "Trophic Mobbing in Fishes".  1. A school of Convict Tang, Acanthurus triostegus mobbing the territory of...
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    Fmr1 Iso-Seq: Per Sample Intermediate Files

    FMR1 premutation carriers (55-200 CGG repeats) are at risk for developing Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS), an adult onset neurodegenerative disorder. In...
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    Imasi Documents: Tagore Songs in Manipuri

    Translations of Tagore songs by MK Binodini Devi, Maibam Haricharan, RK Surendrajit, and Ayekpam Shyamsundar Singh, performed by Roop Raag. Binodini translated 28 of these songs...
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    Numbers of War

    The data describes the total number of casualties of each war in the time span 768CE till 2019. This data is collected from the website www.necrometrics.com where for each war...
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    Corotoca (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) beetles are known for their close integration in the nests of the termite Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae)....