96 items found

Groups: figshare ZENODO Tags: 110309 Infectious Diseases Biochemistry Pharmacology Physiology Plant Biology

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    WWV Centennial measurements 10MHz at the University of Michigan

    Description included in the zip as a text document.
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    The Red Queen in the Repository: metadata quality in an ever-changing environ...

    This fileset contains a preprint version of the conference paper (.pdf), presentation slides (as .pptx) and the dataset(s) and validation schema(s) for the IDCC 2019 (Melbourne)...
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    Test set for geodesics

    This is a set of 500000 geodesics for the WGS84 ellipsoid; this is an ellipsoid of revolution with equatorial radius a = 6378137 m and flattening f = 1/298.257223563. Each...
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    Precipitation of totalizer gauges in Wägital catchment, status 2016-04-27

    Precipitation [mm] of totalizer gauges in Wägital catchment, Switzerland, for the hydrological year, measured in half-year resolution. This dataset includes the following...
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    Programa Saúde na Escola, indicadores municipais de saúde e perfil municipal

    Banco de dados desenvolvido para a tese de doutorado intitulada "Efeitos do Programa Saúde na Escola em indicadores municipais de saúde", apresentada ao...
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    Instrumento de pesquisa para descrição de podcast

    Instrumento de pesquisa construído no software Evernote para coleta de dados da dissertação intitulada Gestão de acervos audiovisuais em...
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    VCF, pileup, and other files for Betula analyses using ebg & GATK

    These are the VCF, pileup, and input files files produced by the Genome Analysis ToolKit, SAMtools, and our own scripts, respectively, used for comparing the genotypes estimated...
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    Matrices for well-conditioned biorthogonal spline wavelet bases on the interval

    Refinement matrices for the wavelet bases described in Chapter 2 of the thesis "Adaptive tensor product wavelet methods for solving PDEs" (T.J. Dijkema, 2009). Each...
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    Raw Data from - Speech Auditory Brainstem Responses in Adult Hearing Aid User...

    Folder and Data Description for dataset of: Speech Auditory Brainstem Responses in Adult Hearing Aid Users: Effects of Aiding and Background Noise, and Prediction of Behavioral...
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    Supplementary Videos (S1-S8)

    File name: Supplementary Video S1 File format: .MOV Title of data: AMF colonization, LAT scan Description of data: LAT scan of maize (Zea mays) root segment colonized with...
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    Video of mobbing behavior by coral-reef fishes

    Video of mobbing behavior by coral-reef fishes from article in CORAL, "Trophic Mobbing in Fishes".  1. A school of Convict Tang, Acanthurus triostegus mobbing the territory of...
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    Sky image features for Folsom, CA (lat=38.642N, lon=121.148W)

    This file contains features derived from sky images obtained for Folsom, CA (lat=38.642N, lon=121.148W). The file is in comma-separated values format. The file has 16...
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    Aalto-1/RADMON data set 2017/2018

    General information: For a description of the Aalto-1 mission, see Kestilä et al. (2013) and Praks et al. (2018) For the RADMON instrument and its calibration, see...
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    Lista de Atributos Coletados das Bases de Dados - Dissertação de Mestrado

    Lista de atributos coletas em 4 bases de dados diferentes no IFRO campus Ji-Paraná na construção de base de dados unificada para o processo de...
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    Patents and certificates of addition granted in France from 1904 to 1921 by a...

    **TITRE** Etat des brevets d'invention et des certificats d'addition délivrés en France entre 1904 et 1921 par pays d'origine du demandeur. VARIABLES...
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    Do logging roads impede small mammal movement in Borneo's tropical rainforests?

    Description: Data from small mammal trap grid adjacent to roads and an associated movement/translocation experiment Project: This dataset was collected as part of the...
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    AgileOERP Dataset v1

    This dataset is collected from commercial management tool to customize an open source ERP applying agile methodology. It contains 350 user stories (US), 1323 tasks (TS) and 198...
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    All source data is provided as MAT-files, which can be opened in Matlab. In total, the source data contain 270 core data files and 540 processed data files. The data for each...
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    SPEC RG Technical Report: A Review of Serverless Use Cases and their Characte...

    PrettyDataset.xlsx Our data set of 89 serverless use cases and their mapping to 24 characteristics. In form of an Excel file to simplify manual inspection. Columns represent...
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    Transfer Curve Models For Synthetic Ahl-Receiver Devices

    The input-output function of the AHL-receiver devices was determined by fitting cell fluorescence data with the following four-parameter logistical curve model: GFP = b +...