50 items found

Types: software Groups: figshare ZENODO Tags: 69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified 80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified Biochemistry Sociology

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  • software

    Adversarial Algorithms In Tensorflow

    Bug fix for DeepFool binary classifier case Add batch mode for DeepFool where the algorithm runs until the max epoch is reached. Add batch mode example
  • software

    Mochimodel: Mdsplus Tree For Mochilab & Mochi.Labjet

    MochiModel This python script generates a hierarchical MDSplus model tree which interfaces with the Mochi LabJet MochiControl LabVIEW software. MochiControl stores all...
  • software

    Poliastro: Poliastro 0.5.0 Icatt Edition

    New major release of poliastro, featuring: New algorithm to solve Lambert's problem New documentation Python 3 support only See...
  • software

    ericmandel/js9: v2.2 supports synchronized images, separate/gather images, mo...

    JS9: astronomical image display everywhere
  • software

    Gauging Reaction Effectiveness for the ENvironmental Sustainability of Chemis...

    The Gauging Reaction Effectiveness for the ENvironmental Sustainability of Chemistries with a multi-Objective Process Evaluator (GREENSCOPE) tool allows for quantifying process...
  • software

    MorphoLibJ: MorphoLibJ 1.3.0

    MorphoLibJ libraray v1.3.0. New features: Interactive tool for watershed distance transform (2D/3D) Interactive tool for morphological reconstruction using manual markers...
  • software

    ReproZip: 1.0.8

    Behavior changes: No longer default to overwriting trace directories. ReproZip will ask what to do or exit with an error if one of --continue/--overwrite is not provided...
  • software

    PyPDD: a positive degree day model for glacier surface mass balance

    This is the first Python 3 release of PyPDD, also including: easy installation with pip install pypdd, bug fixes in the GRASS GIS module.
  • software

    WCSSP-FORTIS: 2019 FORTIS Training Web App

    A file sharing platform for running multiple training courses in South East Asia. The application  https://fortis-training.herokuapp.com/ is being used as part of the WCSSP...
  • software

    Pooch: A friend to fetch your sample data files

    Does your Python package include sample datasets? Are you shipping them with the code? Are they getting too big? Pooch is here to help! It will manage a data registry by...
  • software

    MultiDOE: sampling technics on MATLAB/OCTAVE - v3.2

    MultiDOE This MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox regroups many existing tools for generating sample points using many specific DOE techniques: Full factorial sampling Latin Hypercube...
  • software


    TaylorIntegration.jl v0.4.0 features the following: High-accuracy ODE integration in Julia using Taylor's method. Support for Julia 0.7, 1.0 and 1.1. Full support for...
  • software

    autoRIFT (autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking)

    A Python module of a fast and intelligent algorithm for finding the pixel displacement between two images autoRIFT can be installed as a standalone Python module (does not...
  • software

    Sentinelflow: automated satellite image workflow for Sentinel-2

    Search, download and patch Copernicus Sentinel-2 data into appealing color images. Colors are adapted to human perception and fit for dark oceans as well as bright snow...
  • software

    BioExcel exascale co-design benchmark cases

    This document describes benchmark cases for co-design for the three main BioExcel application: GROMACS, HADDOCK and CP2K. We have analyzed the performance characteristics of the...
  • software

    RFixer: a tool for repairing complex regular expressions using examples

    This artifact contains the virtual machine image that has RFixer installed. RFixer is a tool for repairing complex regular expressions using examples. Given an incorrect...
  • software

    grl 4.0 - Robotics tools in C++ with support for the KUKA LBR iiwa

    Robotics tools in C++11. Implements real time arm drivers for Kuka LBR iiwa plus V-REP, ROS, Constrained Optimization based planning and Inverse Kinematics integration....
  • software

    A QSAT Benchmark Based on Vertex-Folkman Problems

    The purpose of this project is to draw attention to a particular family of quantified Boolean formulas (QBFs) stemming from encodings of some vertex Folkman problems in extremal...
  • software

    geoschem/geos-chem: GEOS-Chem 12.0.0 release

    GEOS-Chem 12.0.2 Released 10 Oct 2018 This release contains fixes for minor issues that were discovered after the GEOS-Chem 12.0.1 release, namely: (1) Fixed local-time...
  • software

    Aurora Galaxy Tools: Using R Markdown as a framework for Galaxy tool development

    While many biologists are able to run sophisticated bioinformatic analysis using Galaxy, it is not always clear how well they understand the role of each tool in a workflow or...