6 items found

Types: publication Groups: figshare ZENODO Tags: Biotechnology Cancer Cell Biology Genetics Medicine Science Policy

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    Intelligence artificielle et (vrais) apports opérationnels pour nos métiers Dystopie ou utopie, notre avenir se construira avec et non sans l’intelligence artificielle. Nous...
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    Langkah dan program untuk memperkokoh ideologi negara berbasis kearifan lokal adalah (1)  melakukan mapping identitas lokal (local identity mapping), (2) internalisasi dan...
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    Experts and Novices: Redesigning user interfaces for the White Rose Repositories

    This paper will explore the impact of expert and novice user needs on the development of repository deposit interfaces. White Rose Libraries (The University Libraries of Leeds,...
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    Membangun Semangat Nasionalisme Pemuda Posmodern Dengan Spirit Agama Dan Budaya

    Ada lima prinsip nasionalisme dalam semangat dan kejiwaan bangsa: (1) kesatuan (unity) dalam wilayah teritorial, bangsa, bahasa, ideologi, dan doktrin kenegaraan, sistem politik...
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    Overview of Scanning Microwave Microscopy

    Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM) is a nanoscale imaging technique that combines the lateral resolution of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) with the high measurement precision of...
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    Случай двухэтапной хирургической коррекции врожденного ректо-вагинального сви...

    На русском: [Шевченко А.С. Случай двухэтапной хирургической коррекции врожденного ректо-вагинального свища, атрезии ануса и аплазии влагалища / Общество акушеров-гинекологов, 17...