588 items found

Types: software Groups: figshare ZENODO Tags: Genetics

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  • software

    Swiss-Polar-Institute/science-cruise-data-management v0.1.0

    Django and Python are used to build an application supported by a relational database (in this case Mysql/MariaDB). This application enables the recording of metadata (and a...
  • software

    pyGSTio/pyGSTi: Version 0.9.6

    A significant update which shifts pyGSTi's focus to multiple qubits. Previous version, treated 1- and 2-qubit systems as the "normal" case, and n-qubit systems as the "special"...
  • software

    WarwickCIM/backfillz: v9.9

    Release including DOI. Available during Turing institute workshop.
  • software

    ParseWiki: A python toolbox for parsing Wikipedia articles

    The first official release of the Wikipedia parser which allows the extraction of all Wikipedia articles and revisions in all available languages.
  • software

    Pergola: Boosting Visualization And Analysis Of Longitudinal Data By Unlockin...

    This repository contains the mouse-pergola-reproduce pipeline source code and results produced for the "Pergola: a new paradigm for longitudinal data...
  • software

    Artifact for paper: New Optimizations and Heuristics for Determinization of B...

    The archive artifact.zip contains the artifact for the paper: New Optimizations and Heuristics for Determinization of Büchi Automata It contains:  - the source code...
  • software

    Code For The Analysis Of Acoustic And Micro-Seismic Data Measured At Matterho...

    Python3 code used to produce Figures in the following publication: Weber, S., Faillettaz, J., Meyer, M., Beutel, J., and Vieli, A.: Acoustic and micro-seismic characterization...
  • software

    GAIA-UNIL/G2S: G2S_v0.95

    A flexible MPS framework, including Quantile Sampling (QS) and Narrow Distribution Selection (NDS)